You cry

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Your father had hurt you and said horrible things to you,you just couldn't help yourself and just cried.
You ran away from your home and went to your friends' house,Kirk,Lars,James and Cliff.

"Oh hi Y/N, what's wrong?"Kirk asked you.

"Where's James?"

"He's in here,on the couch."

You ran to James and hugged him so tight while your tears still falling from your eyes.

"Y/N baby what's wrong?"he asked and caressed your hair.

"My dad...he..."

"That's ok,we all know what a jerk he is."

"Yeah,Y/N you shouldn't ruin your eyes for someone like him,forget it,you have us and we love you and we're here for you."Kirk continued.

"Thanks Kirk,but he just won't let me go and I can do nothing but just escape for a few hours not forever."

"Y/N you can stay here as long as you want."James said and kissed your forehead.

"It's late,you guys wanna sleep or what?"Lars said.

"No we don't."Kirk said giving him an eye roll and trying to make him pay attention to you.

"Oh... sorry Y/N I didn't see you."he said and knelt in front of you.

James told him the story and Lars gasped for at least thousand times.

"Well you can stay here if you want,there's nothing wrong with it."Lars answered.

"I'm gonna stay...I have no choice I'm sorry guys."you whisper.

"Why are you sorry? we'll even be glad if you stay with us."Kirk says with his cute smile finally on his face.

"Yeah baby there's nothing wrong with you being here with us."James said as he was clearing your face from all those tears.

This one was so short sorry😬🤦

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2020 ⏰

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