(chapter 1) a normal day

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It's a normal  Monday morning in new york city and everyone was walking in and out of the coffee shop with there coffees.
What can I  get you today miss asked the worker. I'll take 1 iced coffee to go please said the lady. Sure thing coming right up. *worker makes an iced coffee* here you go miss. Thank you dear how much is it. Oh that will be $1.10 please of course dear *gives money* thank you miss have a nice day

As the lady was walking out there was a sound of a gun shot and that lady who walked out fell to the ground with everyone screaming and panicking the manager was trying to calm everyone down and tryed to keep everyone quite that poor lady said one of the customers.

The workers where instructed to lock the doors and close the windows and shut the blinds suddenly the workers hear people crys and as they followed the crying sould they find a group of kids huddled up at the back of the coffee shop in the corner of the room as the workers where trying to calm the children down there was a bang at the door. 1 of the workers where instructed to look through the blinds to see who it was it was an officer as everyone was starting to calm down a gun shot was fired once again and screams coming from down the street.

The officer instructed the workers to keep everyone inside for there own safety the workers agreed to this and kept everyone inside and kept the children calm by destracting them. 1 moment later a sound comes from the back room of the coffee shop which was strange as everyone was in the same room as the door opened a man in a mask stepped out with a gun as the kids started crying again as a worker was trying to protect everyone he was shot in the head and fell to the ground 1 of the customers took out there phone to call the police but was caught  and was shot in the arm they didnt die but they where really hurt SHUT UP the man in the mask said.

There was another sound coming from the back room everyone was scared at this point but who came out was a police officer with a while swat team a customer said when that lady was shot in the arm he called the police  and told them everything. The police officer went on saying that he called for medical services and that ambulances are on there way. All the customers went to see if the lady was ok she said she was fine and that she is lucky she is alive.

When the ambulances arrived they ran in with 3 stretchers 1 for the lady 1 for the worker and 1 for the lady outside. The lady and the worker where put into bags after being declared dead and the lady who was shot in the arm was taken to hospital and took a full recovery as everyone got out of the coffee shop there where bodies everywhere.
A few days later:

A memorial day was held for all the people that lost there lives that day and lanterns where send off in there honer.

Thank you for reading so far if you want a chapter 2 please comment bellow.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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murder in a coffee shop Where stories live. Discover now