Chapter 6

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            I walk into the kitchen to the aroma of tasty home cooked lasagna and a salad as a sider. I walk over to my dad, who is busy setting the table, kissing my mom on the cheek on my way, and hug him.

           After talking about random stuff at the dining table for a while, my mom finally started to talk about what I've been curious about the whole evening.

"So honey, I told you that we wanted to talk to you about your grandfather?", she began, more like a question, looking my way and then at my dad, who then continued.

"Aaina, you know your grandfather loved you dearly, he even named you when you weren't even born yet. Today is his birthday and before he died, he asked us to give something to you on his birthday before you turn eighteen", he looked into my eyes. The love that my dad has for his father is quite evident in his dark brown, almost black eyes. Mom then continued,

"And since you turn eighteen next April....."

"What is it?", I then spoke for the first time in the entire conversation.

           Dad then looked towards mom and nodded his head. Mom got up from the table and moved towards the cabinet on the top shelf and removed what looked like an old journal. With curiousity shining in my honey brown eyes and with a hint of excitement, I looked up towards my mom who smiled and passed the journal over to me.

           Taking the old, brown, leather covered journal in my hand, I examined it from the outside. It wasn't very thick, but very used and old, indeed. Despite of the light weight of the journal, it felt heavy. Heavy with all the answers that it carried; answers I've been searching for. Heavy with all the years it's seen.
           I look back up towards my parents with a broad smile to express my gratitude.

"Thank you so much for this. It means a lot to me."

"Don't thank us honey, we were just doing what we were told to do", mom replied smiling.

"I wanted to read it myself to be honest, but the fact that father left it for you means it's meant only for you", dad confessed sheepishly.

"Yeah, I guess so", I replied,  looking at the journal in my hand. I look back up to see my parents smiling at me.

         Excusing myself just as my dinner is over, I run towards my room in excitement. I can't believe it! After all this time, maybe today is the day I get all the answers. Maybe today I'll know what this dream dimension is afterall.

         I open the door to my room and jump on my bed with the journal in my hand. Taking a deep breath, I open the journal and browse through the pages. The paper of the journal is thick, like it was always meant to exist for years to come and the pages are yellowed with the years they saw.

         While browsing through the pages, a letter fell out of the journal. I pick it up from my mattress and keep the journal aside. On the top right corner of the letter, in bold black cursive, was written, 'To Aaina'. The letter was adressed to me!

         So this is it then! This is where I figure it out. After all this time, I finally feel like, maybe now, I'll get the answers. Answers I deserve.

          With excitement and curiosity flowing in my veins like blood, I open the envelope and begin reading.

"My dearest Aaina...."

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