no more goodbyes this is for life, throught the hourglass we slide

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Adam's pov:

I woke up in the morning, but something felt off. Something important was missing, but I didn't know what. I looked at my phone to see if Sauli had texted my back but he didn't, instead Tommy texted me.

Tommy: will you love me forever?...

I looked at the message and read it over and over again. He was kidding right? Did Tommy really think I would stop loving him?

Adam: Of course baby, I will never stop loving you! <3

Tommy: thanks... ;) I will always love you too!

My heart melted when I read that. It felt so good to see him back to his normal self.

I rolled out of bed and put some clean clothes on, ready to start a new day. All I wanted to do was curl up in Tommy's arms, and just close my eyes forgetting about everything around me.

I walked downstairs and made some toast, I do want today to be anything like yesterday. I wanted only good days from this point on.

For some strange reason, I had a feeling like that no matter how I tried today was going to suck.

I looked at the time, 10:47am.

I went back upstairs and took a shower, and did all of the typical things in the morning. All I wanted was to make today the best day ever, but I knew that would be hard considering I've been having the same bad feeling all morning.

My phone rang and it literally scared the living day lihts out of me!

"HiAreYouAdamLambert!" The person on the other line was talking so fast, it was hard to understand what they were saying.

"Ummm...yes who are you?..."

"You know Tommy Joe Ratliff right?"


"I'm his neighbor. I heard a lot of noise coming from inside his house, then all at once it stopped. I walked over to investigate, need to get here right away."

"Okay I will be there right away!"

I had no idea what could of happened but, whatever it was I need to get there right way! I got into my car and sped over to him. My Tommy needed me, and I needed him.

Once I arrived at his house I noticed that there were cop cars in his driveway. The first thing that came to mind is that the cops have found Tommy and Sauli had officially turned him in. But then I saw an ambulance go speeding past me and they parked right next to Tommy's house. I jumped out of my car and ran right into Tommy's house.

In his house, it felt so empty, like never before.

I ran into Tommy's room, because that is where he usually is. I looked on his bed, and that's were he was. Lying there like he was paralyzed. I walked over to him, and he was the palest I have ever seen him. There was blood everywhere, and he just laid there, making no reaction to my presence.


"i...i...i...don't...want to....die..."

"I promise you woun't die.." There were tears pouring out of my eyes. My brain wasn't even able to process this information. He wasn't gonna die, I would never let that happen.

"Tell my what...happened. Tommy, please I need to know."

"I did it to myself...I was so mad...I wasn't thinking straight..."

The ambulance ran into Tommy's room,about to take him away, but Tommy thought other wise.

"Don't touch me!"

"We want to help you!" The guy was really mean looking, probably not the best for his job.

"No, leave me alone! I'm...gonna die....anyway so...what's the..point."

"Tommy,... please... your not going to die... you can't!" The tears were pouring out of my eyes like crazy. I was not going to let my Tommy die right in front of me like this. This was not the perfect happy ending I imagined it. It couldn't end like this! No way no how.

"Adam.....i love you..."

"Tommy stop it!"

"I...will....always remember...the way you...always protect...and through....anything.....thank you for that..."

"Tommy no... you cant..." I planted a soft kiss on his head, trying to tell him that everything was going to be okay.

"Don't let me be... the thing that ruins"

"You will always be a part of my life no matter what."

"Bye..." And in the first time in forever I actually saw a smile on Tommy's face. It wasn't a fake smile or anything like that. I was a smile of true happiness and bliss.

He just looked at me and smiled, he looked so happy and it made me overjoyed.

"Tommy, I love you" But there was no answer. I knew he was gone, in a better place. Where he could smile all day and never worry about anything else.

I held his body in my arms until I was 100% sure he was not coming back.

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