Part 51

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Just realized I put page 50 instead of part 50 lol on my last chapter still gonna keep it like that


Laura pov

Lilly and Ross have been acting strange lately of course cheating came on my mind because of Lilly having a broken heart and ross not bring to father of Rachel okay now I'm starting to worry but I won't mention this at least not yet

Lilly: so what traditions did your family have

Laura: what do you mean?

Lilly: I mean for Christmas you went for the whole shabam and all what about New Years?

Laura: not much you?

Lilly: my parents would get drunk more than usual they would leave me and party but there was this one point were Lisa my "mom" would act like a mom and ask us all about out New Years resolutions

Laura: what would you say

Lilly: the same thing I asked for Christmas or my birthday to find my real family

Laura: well you found us and you'll never have to ask Santa or anyone for a family

Lilly: thanks

Laura: so were do you wanna go first?

Lilly: jewelry store

Laura: why?

Lilly: I saw these cute earrings

Laura: okay than lets go


Laura pov

While we were at the mall I couldn't help but think how many bullets Lilly has taken physically and mentally I wanted to ask her how she's dealing with everything

Laura: so you and ross

Lilly: what about ross and me?

Laura: what have you guys been hiding from me?

Lilly: nothing

Laura pov

I could tell she was lying I had to ask ross about this

Laura: can we go back home

Lilly: sure lets go

Lilly's pov
I have to find a way to meet ross without laura wondering

Lilly: can I drop you off David called me and asked me to meet him

Laura: sure what happened?

Lilly: he um, wanted to tell me something

Laura: okay I'm gonna talk to ross

Lilly: okay

Lilly pov

Shit,hopefully ross got out before this I have to go to the place anyways and I realize I forgot something so I go in with laura

Lilly: actually I forgot something ill go in with you

Laura: okay

Laura pov
we got in there all I saw was ross and someone making out on the couch I ran out crying

Lilly pov

I hate that bitch I yanked her hair and threw her right off the couch it was bad enough to break my heart but to break Laura's of worst she hasn't gone threw much sadness in her life and the first time you just feel like you wanna die

Ross pov

I ran after her, I'm an idiot, she left and I couldn't find her

Lilly: get out!

Jessica: don't tell me what to do this was all ross and you didn't see much of it you saw the end of it

Lilly goes up to her a punched her

Jessica: ow get off me

Ryland: Lilly what are you doing? (Grabs her by the waist)

Lilly: stop it I'm gonna beat her ass until she had to get plastic surgery for everything

Jessica: and even then everyone will wanna have sex with me

Lilly: ryland let go!!


Ross pov

I went to the place she would go to every time she was sad there I saw a girl crying her eyes out

Ross: laura

Laura: how'd you know I was here?

Ross: I know how you are can you just talk to me

Laura: why'd you do it? Is it because we never had sex or because Rachel isn't you daughter?

Ross: I don't know?

Laura: you were planning on doing it with Lilly weren't you?

Ross: no okay we were planning On how i should do this ( gets down on one knee) this isn't how I wanted to do this but...

Laura: no I will NOT marry you

Ross pov

Complete silence is all you hear now and than she says something just one word

Laura: sorry


this was a dramatic chapter
Vote -Miranda

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