the bet

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"Ella you made it!" Kiara hugged her cousin. 

"Hey Kie" Ella smiled. 

"Let me show you to your room" Kie lead her up the stairs and down the long halway. 

She opened the door to a room bigger than the size of her house in New York. It had a great view of the ocean. The walls were pale blue, her favorite color. Kie left her alone and she opened her suitcase. She pulled out her clothes putting them in the dresser. This was her home. After her Mom died suddenly Ella was left living with her aunt and uncle in the Outer Banks. It was a nice place but it wasnt what she is used too. She pulled out her art box taking out some of her work and pinning it on the wall. Everywhere she goes she takes random pictures and makes posterboards showing the realness of the city. She put them against the wall and admired her new room. This was home. She is a year older than Kiara but they have always been close. Kiara and her are opposites, she is less talkative and more reserved. She hates having to meet new people, but here she will have too. Kiara had told Ella about her friends but she didnt say much more than the basics. 

"So we are going to have a kegger tonight" Kie said coming into Ellas room. 

"Um okay" 

"El you should go, it would be a way for you to meet new people"

"Fine ill go" I replied and she then left my room. 

I changed into a red bikini and put a white dress over it. I brushed my curly hair and grabbed my sunglasses and camera. I never went anywhere without my camera. I almost forgot to grab my phone but remembered at the last minute. I followed Kie to the beach and sat down on a log. I took pictures of the water but kept to myself as Kie went to find her friends. 

Third person pov

The 3 boys showed up to the party and grabbed a drink. They all looked around making small talk. 

"Who is that?" Kelce asked looking at the girl taking pictures in her flowy white dress. 

"I dont know" Topper replied. 

The girl got up and walked over to Kiara meeting her cousins friends. 

"Wait is that the girl that is living with Kie and her family?" Topper asked his friends. 

"I think so" Kelce answered. 

"What are you guys talking about?" Rafe spoke up. 

"Her mom died so she is living with the only other family she has, shes the same age as us" Topper answered. 

Rafe thought she was pretty, her curly brown hair and perfect body. 

"I got a bet for you guys" Kelce said. 

"What?" Rafe asked. 

"Whoever can get with her first wins" He looked at the boys who smirked.

"Im in" The two other boys said admiring the new girl. 

"We have until the end of the summer" kelce said.

Ellas pov

I just met JJ, John B and Pope. They all seem really nice and I can tell they are all close. It feels awkward to just all the sudden have to join their group when they are all already so close. I walked out into the water finding a beautiful seashell and photographing it. I then turned around to see a tall blonde haired boy and his friends. He was cute. 

"Hey kie"


"Who is that?" I asked referencing to the boy I saw. 

"Oh thats Rafe Cameron. You dont want to be around him" She replied. 

"Why not?" 

"Hes a player and not a good person to be around" She replied walking back to her friends. 

Everyone was in their groups drinking and having a good time while I sat by myself on the dock. It was a beautiful sunset, I could get used to this. 

"Hey" I heard a deep voice say as I turned around.

"Um hi" I replied seeing the boy Kie warned me about. 

"You must be new here" He said sitting next to me. 

"Yeah, I just moved here" 

"From where?"

"New York" 

"Well im Rafe" He looked at her. 

"Ella" She replied, he was very attractive I can see why he would be a player. 

"Not into parties?" He asked.

"They arent really my thing" I replied. 

"But photography is?" He noticed her camera.

"Just art in general"

"You dont talk much"

"Honestly I just dont like people"

"Me either, what do you say we get out of here?" he asked, I wanted to say yes but I remembered what Kie said. 

"I actually should get home" I replied getting up.

"Well if you need anything feel free to ask" He replied as she walked away. 

The beach had mostly cleared out so I felt safe wrapping my camera in my dress as I took Kies surfboard out towards the waves that were now growing. I swam out and got ready to surf the waves. 

Rafes POV

I walked back to the boys grabbing another drink.

"She rejected you man" Kelce said pushing my shoulder. 

"nah, shes just shy" I replied watching her stand up on the surfboard. 

"Or she isnt into you" Topper added. 

"She will come around" I replied. 

This is a really bad first chapter but I promise it will get better. It will somewhat follow the plotline but I figured since everyone liked my JJ story I would make a Rafe one!

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