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Chapter 3

Cath's pov

I woke up with a sunshine on my face and i walked down stared to see niall and louis fighting what's up?

"Hey! Mofos!"i said.

"Hi catherine what's this?" Niall asked fumed while showing me a picture of me and louis cuddling last night while sleeping.

"Uh! It's a picture so what?" I said while munching the food.

"What's in the picture?" Niall said

"Me and louis cuddling so?" I said retardly (is that even a word?)

"It's trending?! It says #couisforeverandever" niall said. I like it it's like he's jealous. Pshh, catherine he has that julia bitch.

"So? I'm not stupid niall who took that picture is stupid and it's not really sweet it's just cuddling anyone could do that! And what's the point were not even together?" I said.

"If its fine with you it's fine with me but harry leaked it and i dont want you to get hurt?!" Niall said

"Niall im not gonna get hurt because im not even dating anyone so thats yeah?!" I said

"Okay, go with harry now?!" Niall said.

"Hi harry!" I said to harry.

"Hi cath!" Harry said.

"Haz, where's connor?"i asked

"He's with gem!" He said.

"Oh okay? When will gem come here?" I asked

"Uh...tomorrow?" He said

"Will connor come too?" I asked

"Yess!!" He said excitedly

"No! He can't come! No! My freedom is gone wah!" I said while shouting.

"Why?" He said.

"He's older than me he protects me from people ecen people i know!" I said .

"That is good i do that to gem even if she's older!"harry said.

"Stupid boys!" I said.

"Yeah! Wait! No,"harry said and i laughed.

i decided to go to louis. I feel something about louis, i think i.. I like him..its like when i go near him my heart starts beating, anticipating.

"Hey carrot boy!" Isaid.

"Hey carrot girl" louis said

"Why did you and nialler fight about?" I asked

"It's because of the stupid picture he was talking about! Irish people these days!" He said

"Hey!" I said

"Oh my god! Im sorry haha!" He said

"Yeah! no offense to brit people these days!" I said

"Hey! You're brit too!" He said while tickling me.

"Yeah stop!"i said while laughing.

"Nope!"he said while popping the p

"Tickle monstah is here!" I shouted while giggling I'm tickling him too

"Hey! Hey!stop ahh haha!" Louis said while laughing his heart out
we ended up falling out of the bed
then someone opened the door it


"You could make a cute couple!" Harry said

"Nah! Why areyou here?" Me and louis said at the same time

"Connor is here!" Harry said

"No! No! No!" I said

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Harry said

"Wait who is connor?" Louis said

"Louis! He! Is! My! Older! Brother! He'll tuck me in at night yell embarrassing things about me and stuff!?!?" I said

"I like connor! I wanna meet him and i wanna hear all this embarrassing things about you haha!" Louis said

"This. Is. Torture!"i said

HOPELESS 1D fanfic ( done editing)Where stories live. Discover now