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A/n Hey y'all this real awkward since it has been literally almost a year since I have updated...

I am really sorry about that but thanks for reading and voting for my story it means a lot! I am brainstorming more ideas for this story at the moment and I have a lot more time on my hands with the whole quarantine stuff and my summer break just started this week. Sorry again for not updating for literally almost a year but I am more into wattpad now than I had been for the past few months so thanks for sticking with me! Anyways onto the story!

PS this is so funny cuz when I started this story Ashton and Kenzie were dating and now she's broken up with him and Issak idk why that is so funny to me, crazy how much changes in a year!!!

Kenzie's POV

I woke up the next morning to clattering in the kitchen. Why is mom literally so loud every morning. It's not like she can't just wait until I am awake to unload the dishwasher. 

I looked at the clock and it was already 10:30 so I only had an hour and a half to get ready to go over to Lauren's. I put on my Harry Styles playlist and made my bed then got into shower. 

"Sweet Creature! Wherever I go, you bring me home!" I belted at the top of my lungs.

All the sudden there was a pound on the bathroom door followed by Maddie screaming at me telling me I sounded like a drowing rat.

"Shut up Maddie you can't even sing, all you can do is dance idiot" I shouted back.

"Yeah well at least I have more than two friends," Maddie shouted back.

"Whatever!" I shouted back.

Her comment got me thinking about friends. I hadn't really thought about Johnny since last night. I knew that I needed to have a plan though since he would most likely be at his house when I go over to see Laure, if he wasn't with Nadia. 

I should probably just avoid him as best as a I can. If he says something to me I'll act friendly but won't start any of the conversations. Lauren and I can just stay in her room and he won't bother us. Good plan Kenz! You can do this!

"Kenz if you want a ride you better get your butt in the car in the next 5 minutes!" my mom shouted from downstairs. 

Shoot I must've been in the shower for a long time, I mean who can blame me when Harry Styles is on you gotta jam out.

I hurriedly got ready and just threw I simple t-shirt and shorts on. I sprinted down the steps and into my moms car. We got to the Orlando's right on time.

"Love you mom! See ya later!" I said.

"Let Lauren and Johnny know if they want to sleep over they are totally welcome tonight, y'all spend so much time over here I barely see you all anymore." my mom said. 

"Ya I don't think you're gonna see much of Johnny anymore but I'll let them know. Bye mom!" I said as I got out of the car. 

I ran up to the door and just let myself in like usual. But the door bumped into something before it could full open.

"Oh my bad, I was just on my way out." a girl's voice said.

"No worries sorry didn't mean to hit you" I said back.

"I'm Nadia by the way, I assume you're Kenzie" the girl said.

"Oh hey, yeah I'm Mackenzie" I said back. NO way she is calling me Kenzie.

"Finally you two met! I've been meaning to get you two together" John said emerging from around the corner. 

Why was he so positive? He literally was made at me last night, boys am I right...

"Maybe we can all hang out this afternoon, Nadia was about to leave but I mean I'm sure she could stay" John added. 

"Yeah that would be great but maybe another day, I am here to hang out with Lauren" I said with a fake smile.

I took the short moment of silence to sprint up the stairs and into Lauren's room. 

"Hey Kenz! What took you so long to get here?" Lauren asked. 

"Nadia and John stopped me at the front door. Didn't realize they hung out here too." I said.

"I mean why wouldn't they hang out here?" Lauren asked. 

"Nevermind can we just talk about something else" I asked, tired of thinking about Nadia. 

"Sure, let's talking about who you were hanging out with," Lauren said with a smirk. "Whats his name again, Assbag, Ashy..." Lauren asked in a playful way.

"Ashton, and no we shouldn't talk about him," I responded. 

Just then Lauren's door opened. 

"Y'all talking about my old buddy Ashton? I would love to a part of this conversation" John said.

"Oh hey convienent for you to show up John," I said.

Lauren just looked between the two of us, there was clearly some tension in the room.

"What is that supposed to mean Kenzie, I live here and we're just hanging out like always." John said with some attitude.

"Oh maybe it means that you've been ignorning us, your best friends let me remind you, to hang out with some other girl you've been spending the last however long with" I said somewhat angirly. 

"You're one to talk. You completely ignored my text message last night," John spat back.

"Maybe because you were all up in my buisness. It shouldn't matter who I am hanging out with!" I shout back.

Lauren meanwhile was just sitting back and enjoying the show. 

"You are such a hypocrite Mackenzie. You just said it doesn't matter who you hang out with yet all you do is complain that I am hanging out with Nadia, who is a normal, sane, nice girl. You have no idea what Ashton has done and I am just trying to protect you from getting hurt. OK you are my best friend and I don't want you to go through what I had to go through when I was friends with Ashton," John said slightly saddened and serious. "And by the way I came in here to hang out with y'all cuz I missed you," with that said he left the room.

"Wow, I hated that. That was super uncomfortable." Lauren said. "I have never seen you all talk to each other like that, its not like you two."

"Yeah well I guess people change," I said.

"OK well anyways I am bored, wanna go swim" Lauren asked.

"I'm not really in the mood. I think I am just gonna go home for now. You can come over tonight for a sleepover if you want, but I want to be alone for right now," I responded.

"Oh well ok see you later than," she said giving me a hug.

I called my mom to come pick me up and when I went home I put on my sad Harry Styles playlist and did some thinking.

HEY GUYS! HOPE YOU ENJOYED! As y'all might be able to tell right now my One Direction obsession has come back and my Harry Styles obsession has intensified lol. Anyways hope y'all enjoyed this section and for Lauren's character I am making her kinda dopey. Like she isn't really picking up on much and she is kinda stupid when it comes to social ques. Please let me know if y'all anything to say about the story. Expect an update at least one more time this week, although I am not 100% sure since I am going to my beach house this coming weekend. LOVE Y'ALL!<3

Also what are y'alls thoughts on the hate John received for hanging out with the two girls? Also do you think he is dating or just friends with the Lily girl?

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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