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I woke up to something weird happening. I tried running a hand through my hair, and then I noticed it was dry. Probably an effect of being on another planet. Or maybe just out of water for such a long time.
I slept on this thick fabric that was sitting on a straight boat with no borders, and then those stuff I'm not sure of were covering me, keeping me warm. I never got to feel warmth before... it's nice. But now I'm too lazy to get up. Flashbacks of Yesterday flood through my mind, as I remember that Chace was the one who killed one of my sisters, and I hope I'm not next on the list. But I still can't get over his beautiful smile Yesterday. I got up, I wasn't in my Yesterday clothes. What did Chace say these were called? Pamajas? Whatever.
I walked out of the box, and then I came face to face with a beautiful girl. Her hair was lightly blonde, and she had gorgeous eyes. "Who are you?!" She directly asked. "Chace! You kinda have a visitor!" She yells, making me cover my ears. Gosh, does she have to yell?


"Chace! You have a visitor!" I heard Natalie's voice ring through the apartment. I got up and scratched my neck, who could this be at this hour - oh shit. "Nat! Hey! Um this is Stacey, she's from my co-workers. She forgot the key of her apartment and she came to stay for the night!" I lie through my teeth.
"What's a worker, what's a key and what's an apartment?"
Damn your intelligence, mermaid.
"She's still not over the take-off... crazy stuff happens." I keep lying. "Chace, please can you tell me when you're bringing people over?" She sighs.
"Yes, I'm sorry." I apologize. Natalie then leaves to go to the bathroom and I pull Stacey back into her room. "What do you think you're doing?! You can't just get out like that! Stay in here, got it?" She seems taken aback by my angry gestures, because she looked down, and barely nodded. I close the door and sigh deeply.

Maybe I was too hard on her.

I come back minutes later with a plate of eggs. I knock twice on the door, and then open it and enter the room. "I got you food." I speak as I search the room for her. She's sitting on the window frame, which was large enough to fit anyone, and she was staring out. I think I may have made a number on her.
"Mhm? Oh. What's that smell? And why is the fish so..." she gets off the window frame and looks at the plate like it just came from another planet. Which, in this case, did.
"Flat." She ends her sentence. "That's not fish... that's eggs."
"Eggs? Ew! Do you eat this stuff?!"
"Who doesn't."
"Me! Whatever, do you have like shrimps or so?"
Shrimps... I think I may have some.
"I'll be right back." I walked my way back to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. "Babe, I'm going out. Want something?" I hear Natalie say. "Oh no it's fine." I say, still focusing on finding shrimps. "Are you gonna get her home?" She asks. "Who? Stacey? Oh... I don't know... I guess I should." She rolls her eyes. "Yeah, you should." She walks away with that. What's up with her?
I go back a few minutes later with a bag full of shrimps. "Do you want water too?" I ask her.
"No, it's fine. I'm not gonna stay here right?"
"No... I just don't know where to take you... and we can't take the spaceship without permission and a billion other shit too."
"What's shit?"
Her ignorance is going to be the end of me.
"Just eat."

The rest of my Sunday goes by quickly. I watched some TV, and when Natalie came back, we had lunch. After this I took Stacey out, pretending to take her home, while I really had no idea where I'm going to put her. We finally stopped at SharkTooth Bay.
"I think this is your new home... I mean, you do live in the water, right?"
"Yes... but is this safe? I don't want humans seeing me or anything... wait, no forget it. I want to go back to Aquaria!" She exclaims, panicking. I started calming her, but she suddenly stared into something that seemed to be behind me.
"Chace... what's that?" She indeed points to behind me. I turn around, and when I see a boat breaking in two, I start panicking myself. "What the fuck was that..." I whispered to myself. People around us started running away, and soon the bay was empty. "Chace..." she whispers, taking a grip on my shirt. I was still awestruck, and the thing was coming closer and closer to where we were standing. "Chace?" She said a bit louder, as it came even closer. "Chace!" She finally yells, pulling at my shirt in fear, and snapping me out of my thoughts. I hold her upper arm, and make a run for it. But instead of climbing in the car, I go to the opposite direction. I suddenly jump on a rock in the middle of a canyon. I remember that this was a road a few years ago, but it got destroyed for a reason that beats my knowledge. "Get ready to jump!" I order her. I could feel her shaking with fear, but so was I. Ever since this fucking trip, I haven't had a single break.
We jump to the other side of the road and made it safe. But it didn't last long, before the rock we were previously standing on breaks and falls into the canyon. "Shit. Now there's no going back. Great." I cuss with anger. I see Stacey walk to the side of the road. I was way too angry to even care about what she would do.


I stare into the water, which is most likely a hundred meters down. I close my eyes, take in the scent of the salty water, relax my muscles. When I feel the energy surrounding me, I spread my arms and look at the sky. It starts to get darker, as I concentrate all my energy to the sky.
"Stacey... what are you doing?" I ignore Chace's fearful voice, and instead take in a deep breath. I feel the wind gettig heavier and heavier, and the clouds getting darker and darker. I'm almost there. I breathe out everything I had taken in earlier, letting the wind blow my hair up, and lightning, quickly followed by thunder, loudly hit the sky. I open my eyes, satisfied that my technique worked. A huge and far light bulb made its way to where we are supposed to go. I turn around to find an awestruck Chace staring at the light bulb. "Come on, we've got to go." I smile at him, getting a nervous nod back, before we walk together, following the light.

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