Positively in Denial: April 2018

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AN: Just a reminder that the story will be going back and forth from past to present until it meets in the middle. Right now it is 2018 but the last chapter was 2015. Each chapter will have the date in the title to help with any confusion.

April 2018

This whole day has been a mess.

I woke up with another horrendous wave of nausea and proceeded to throw up until it subsided. At this point, the constant nausea had been going on for over two weeks and I was over it. I was supposed to fly back to NYC for work yesterday, but I have been feeling extremely nauseous, so I decided to stay until I got over whatever bug is plaguing me. My phone blares to life and I see that it's Glenne calling, probably to see if I will be able to make it to our girls trip we had planned for this weekend.

"How are you feeling," Glenne says through the phone.

"Terrible," I moan, crouching by the toilet and dropping the phone again so she doesn't hear the retching. My stomach is terrorizing me to no end.

"Oh Beau," she coos, calling me the nickname she gave me when we first met after us both having moved to LA.

"I don't know what is going on, my stomach hasn't settled in weeks."

"Maybe the stomach flu?" I think back to everything I have eaten and I don't think it's food poisoning, it must be the flu.

"Call me if you need anything," she comforts. This is why I love having her as my best friend. We have literally been through everything together from being sick to our stomach, drunk off our asses, stuck in jail (yes, that happened once), crying over boys and family drama, literally everything.

I pull myself off the floor and force some plain oatmeal in my mouth. It's bland but hopefully it stays down. I feel somewhat normal again after an hour and feel like I have enough energy to at least be somewhat productive with my day.

Wanting to find answers to my mysterious illness I call Adelaide, my best friend from home who is also a doctor, and tell her all my symptoms.

"It's almost like I have the stomach bug but don't at the same time," I explain, "I keep throwing up and can't stand certain foods and smells." She listens carefully and waits for me to explain everything that has been going on.

"Is your period late?" she murmurs softly and I can tell she wants to say more but holds back.

"Ads, you know my period has been irregular since I was thirteen." I have never had a regular period and have never wanted to change that if I didn't have to. I tried birth control when I was fourteen but after gaining fifteen pounds and having an increase in anxiety I stopped taking it. Since then I have been extremely careful when it comes to sex and using protection.

"Margot, this is my professional opinion," she starts and I know I am not going to like what she is going to say next, "I think you are pregnant," she blurts. My entire world stops when she utters those words. Nope. There is absolutely no way I am pregnant.

"Adelaide, I'm not pregnant," I state rather confidently.

"I could be wrong but all your symptoms are common first trimester pregnancy symptoms. The morning sickness, food aversions, tiredness... have you had your period since the last time you had sex?"

"I can't be pregnant," I say, not wanting to hear what else she has to say. I think I would know if I was pregnant. I would have at least known if I had unprotected sex, but I haven't within the past six months.

"Okay, then you might honestly have a stomach bug," she adds, "make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids and it should go away soon."

"Thanks Ads," I smile, "I miss you." I haven't gone home to see her in a while but we still call regularly to catch up. She is a physician and has recently gotten engaged to her long time boyfriend, Dylan. I cannot wait to attend the wedding and see her get married. 

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