So, You're Not Perfect

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Some people dwell so much on their past that they miss the present and risk missing their future. They remind themselves that they not perfect to the point of believing they are worthless and even unwanted. Fine, nobody is perfect, but God is.

Maybe you did not live a perfect life. Perhaps, you weren’t the perfect son or daughter. You were not the perfect husband or wife, dad or mom. You may have failed miserably as a friend. How big a list do you want to create and live up to? Fine, you were not perfect; but God is.

How determined are you to stay where you are at? Is your imperfection a point of pride for you? Does your past really define who you are today? More importantly, do you want it to define who you are? Fine, your thinking has not been perfect; but His thoughts are.

How perfect do you believe God is? Do you believe the Father gave the Perfect Gift when He sent Jesus to die for your sins? Do you believe Jesus gave the Perfect Sacrifice that completely washes you from sin and makes you new? Do you believe that He Who is perfect can bring you into perfection? Fine, perhaps you have not believed perfectly; but His faith is perfect.

Even though many “celebrate” Christmas, they lose sight of why Jesus came the first time. They forget He is no longer in the manger and no longer hanging on the Cross. The Father gave us the Perfect Gift, and His Gift enables us to make our life a gift unto Him. His Resurrection declared that Jesus is the Son of God and He is more than able to bring you into perfection (see Romans 1:4). Philippians 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ (KJV). Fine, you cannot make yourself perfect; but He can.

Is it possible that if you change your mind about God, you will be able to change your mind about yourself? Before grace came, humanity could never be brought into perfection. That means without Jesus you will never be perfect. The imperfect cannot make himself or herself perfect. Only the Perfect One can do that. Our perfection is found in Christ Jesus. So, why beat yourself up for not being perfect and always failing to make yourself so? Fine, you have been perfect at failure, but Jesus can bring you into perfect success.

During Christmas, we frequently quote God’s heavenly host, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:14, KJV). Until you enter into His rest, you will never know perfect peace. Until you stop striving, the Lord will be limited in your life. Surrender to Him and you will be able to receive His perfect will. Life on earth may not be perfect; in fact, it may even be filled with trouble. We are not home yet, but when we come home, life will be perfect!

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