Chapter 3

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"Hey, man! Watch where you're going!" Toby says, slightly pushing the man back from me.
"Tell that to your friend here." The man says in a slightly husky and low, but young voice, then stalks off towards where we came.
"That guy was creepy! He gave me the heeby jeebies..." Dal says, emphasizing the word creepy.
Murmurs of agreement go nearly unnoticed by other people in our group when we say them.
"Well, lets go then!! I need beer!!" Ryder says with an ecstatic smile meanwhile trying to lighten the mood. Ryder doesn't wait for an answer before he walks off towards our original destination, the Coffee ship with cinnamon mini donuts.
Once we get to the shop, Ryder tells us he will meet us back here in 5 minutes with "his" beer. Like that's gonna happen! Dal's gonna steal, like, half the pack.
He walks off yet again and the rest of us walk quickly into the heated shop to get our food.
Sorry guys, not longer yet. It's coming, though, so don't worry! This is more of a filler chapter. Damn, only 190-some words. That's not very good at all. Bye and thanks for reading. Don't forget to vote!

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