Chapter 11 - The Coronation

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The tradition of crowning the king and queen of the prom never died at our high school. The music stopped and our vice principal took the stage. Carson and I made it back to the table in time for the big announcements. Trent and Holly were sitting away from each other and not speaking to anyone. They both looked upset. I started to think I made a big mistake saying yes to the prom. Trent needed time. I sat down next to him and contemplated whether I should throw in the towel, text my sister and call it a night.

"How're you feeling?" asked Trent.

"A lot better," I said. "I'm so sorry, I've never drank before."

"Don't be sorry, I just want you to have a good time. I'm the one who's sorry. Holly is a nightmare tonight."

"Did you guys talk?"

"No, we fought like always. She's unbelievable."

"I can text my sister to come pick me up. Maybe Holly will back off. You can just have fun with your friends. It's your senior year."

By the look on his face, Trent did not like that idea.

"No way, I want to spend every minute with you. Screw Holly. When we get to the hotel, I want to take you down to the beach. Just you and me. It'll be really cool, trust me."

"I trust you."

I was so happy. I could not wait to get out of there and go to the hotel beach with Trent. We were not even paying attention to the vice principal talking on stage when she made the announcement.

"And your Prom King is..." said the vice principal. "Trent Ash!"

The applause erupted. Trent looked up and it took a beat to sink in. He'd won as everyone predicted. All eyes were on him. He gave me a hug and cordially made his way to the stage. Several girls from the prom committee hugged him and put a plastic crown on his head. Trent was embarrassed. He just stood there as our vice principal starting naming the nominees for prom queen. Makayla had won prom queen. It was a big deal. When it came time to name the winner, I looked over at Holly. She actually stood up before the name was read.

"Holly London is your queen!" said the vice principal.

No surprises that night. Holly went up on stage like she'd won the Oscar. She was presented with a sash and crowned. She still had paint all over her dress and a little in her hair. Holly and Trent stood side by side. Holly was thrilled. Trent was faking his smile. Then the photographer came in and what seemed like a hundred pictures were taken. I sat there with mixed emotions. Trent and Holly did make a beautiful couple. My insecurities started to resurface. I was nothing but a little kid. The invisible freshman. The no name bikini girl. How did I end up there with the senior prom king?

While the photos were being taken, Carson pulled up a chair next to me. Neither one of us had any friends there. Maybe that was our bond. That and him grabbing my ass earlier.

"So it is," said Carson.

"I think I might need to start drinking again," I said. "Soon."

"That's the spirit. Never say die. Let's hit it hard when we get back on the bus."

"Thanks again for carrying me up to the restroom. I probably would have got kicked out of school without your help."

"No worries."

"I still can't believe you felt my butt at the party."

"Are you mad?"

"No, that's what I don't understand. You basically molested me."

"That's because I plan to make sweet love to you tonight."

"What?? Are you for real? I'm only fourteen. You could get arrested."

"I'll take my chances."

"But you came with Holly. You're staying in a hotel room with her. You can have sex with her all you want."

"You don't get it. Look at those two up there. The only guy Holly is having sex with tonight is Trent. It has nothing to do with you and me. Those two are gonna be doing the nasty before the night is over. I guarantee it."

"I'm so confused. Trent keeps telling me how much he likes me."

"He probably does but Holly will get him to break tonight."

"So what am I supposed to do?"

"How about have some fun. Keep drinking. Enjoy the night and come find me later. Room 2020. That's 2020. I've got protection."

I did not know what to make of Carson Gunn.

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