Love Letters

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 "The night will be over soon" was probably the biggest lie Clementine ever heard.

After fighting off Minerva, one of Tenn's sisters, who were on the raider's side and got bit in the end, she, AJ and Violet continued making it back to the school. But Clementine was awfully wounded and could barely even stand and with Walkers coming from seemingly every direction, they hadn't got a chance. So they split up. Sending Violet back to their home alone, AJ insisted on staying with the girl he would never leave behind. And they made it, somehow, but they got lost. Waiting out the herd in a shed the two kids had found, Clementine's wound got infected. AJ tried his best to keep the fever down, but it was no use. They had to find the others. Or else she was gonna die. Lucky enough Violet and Aasim found them one day later and took them back home, where Clementine collapsed.


"Alright, fever's down, you're free to stand up. But I dare you, if you overdo yourself, you'll be back here before you even think about it, okay?", Ruby put the medicine back into the box and gave the finally back on her feet Clementine a cheeky smile. "We can't afford to lose you."

Clementine returned the smile weakly. "I can't afford to lose you."

The ginger haired older girl shook her head, laughing and exited the small, wrecked dorm room. The curly brown haired girl sat up and took a look around. Even though the dorm – or to be more exact the whole damn school – had seen better days, she and AJ turned it into a nice little home. With pictures and plants and other kinds of decorations all over the place, it seemed more comfortable than anything Clementine had experienced since the world changed. As her gaze fell onto a small drawing next to the one AJ did, her smile faded. Tenn drew it. He was on the best way to become an incredibly artist someday, but they had to leave the 12-year-old behind with his sister, when he was about to get Violet, who tried to save him, killed. It had been a hard choice for AJ to make, killing his own first best friend. But he had done it anyways and it showed Clementine, that the young child was growing up and in her opinion it was way too soon.

The survivor propped herself up and took a hold of the bunk bed to prevent herself from falling. She hadn't been standing since they got back. Let alone being able to recognize the room without it being blurry in her eyes. Slowly, she took a few steps to get the feeling back. It was weird. She didn't feel as weak anymore, but now there was the thought of herself being so weak in the first place. She couldn't afford that, the others were counting on her.

When Clementine felt stable, she left the room to join her friends in the courtyard.

As she opened the door and warm sunlight caressed her skin, she really began to feel alive again. They were all there. Aasim and Ruby flirting – it was obvious, but if she'd say anything the ginger would deny it – and Violet on the watch tower, while Willy was helping Omar to prepare lunch. AJ stood aside, on the small graveyard. A self-made wooden cross remembered the young boy with the scarred face. Clementine couldn't even imagine how guilty the youngest of the group must feel. Though he was strong and he would make it through this as well, she knew that.

When the others saw her, they smiled and waved at her. Willy even literally jumped and ran up to her.

"Oh man, Clem! You won't believe what happened when you were sick! This morning-"

She didn't even need to listen to what the kid had to say, to know it really wasn't that incredible of an event. Sometimes Willy reminded her a lot of Duck, a little boy she was friends with, back when she were with Lee. Kenny's son. Small kid, lot of energy, loud voice. But her face turned concerned, when she continued to look around and couldn't find the one she was actually looking for.

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