Pretty rose

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Elton's POV:

I walked up behind my very skiddish boyfriend before wrapping my arms around his waist quickly, he jumped slightly before calming back down once he realized who i was, we both laughed a bit before he turned around in my grip, and wrapped his arms around my neck, i kissed his cheek softly and lovingly before i started attacking his neck with lots of kisses causing him to start giggiling loudly while trying to push me away, soon enough he managed out a " St-stop t-that t-t-tickles! " i just chuckled leaning back after he caught his breath i captured his lips in a kiss, as i did though sam walked downstairs and yelled AHHH PDA! PDA! Both corey and i started laughing our asses off before i responded to sam, oh shut it we have to put up with you and colby moaning all night! Sam turned bright red and ran back upstairs and we even heard colby laughing his ass off upstairs. I turned back to corey, Where were we my rose? i asked, so im a rose because of my stuble? Corey asked No youre a rose because youre pretty i explained causing him to blush and hide his head in my chest, i chuckled and kissed his head softly slowly swaying us, i heard corey yawn, so we walked up to his room and flopped onto the bed, letting sleep consume us once we were snuggled and tangled together.

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