Leorio x reader

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💋Secret desire💥

Y/N and Leorio had believed that they spent their day off at the movies to be a brilliant decision. Oh boy, it was quite the journey to get them here too. Seeing that it was their first date Y/n let Leorio pick the movie. A good 10 minutes they spent having an adorable argument, guess it was worth it cause now they've come to terms that they're both extremely indecisive.

And yet there they were, top row sitting side by side before the big screen. Y/N didn't expect her first time out with Leorio to be so nerve-racking. She really tried her best to calm down but her anxiety didn't allow that to be a possibility. Her chest rising just as fast as it fell. Silent, quick breaths consumed her to a corner in her mind.  She didn't even know why she was freaking out so much. Having this kind of disorder it's bound to happen. Out of her control, beyond her being able to help it. She couldn't escape persistent thoughts.

Do I look okay?
What if he wants to be somewhere else and just came to get me off his case?
What if he's bored and wishes he could be with someone better looking?
I'm so ugly he could do so much better

All of this was overwhelming, to say the least. Her chest felt hollow yet the thumping couldn't stop. Looking at her one wouldn't be able to tell her entire state. A master when it comes to masks. Unless you know her really well. Her eyes are always her biggest giveaway. Orbs kept all the emotion

Leorio noticed how tense Y/n was and didn't like it one bit. He hated whenever she got upset or quiet. Something in him never wanted to see her like that. Her heartwarming smile is a sight he would kill for and he's hearts desires were currently not being delivered

"What's wrong" he's hand automatically finding her shoulder

Her gaze shortly met him as soon as she felt his touch. And just like that, his theory was proven 100 per cent correct. Something's bothering her

"Nothing at all, I'm completely fine" fidgeting with her fingers

"No, you're not I can tell when you're lying you know" rubbing her shoulder with his thumb as his hand remained "Just tell me what's on your mind"

"I don't know, I guess I'm just a little nervous" he chuckled at her response

This causing Y/N to look away with crimson cheeks. Leorio lightly placed he's fingers beneath her chin compelling her to look at him once again

"There's no reason for you to be nervous Y/n" sweetly reassuring her

Y/n absorbed the intensity. She covered her hand over his, melting into his loving aura. With the sweetest smile, she closed her eyes letting the beautiful moment engulf her. She was at ease now not entirely though, how could she with his face only being an inch from hers

"Okay I'll try and not overthink everything" her turn to reassure him


"I promise"

He gave her a quick peck on her forehead and gazed into her eyes. Y/n slid into the gateway which leads to his soul and could see the love he had for her. By one look she knew he was hers and she couldn't be happier. She leaned forward and captured his lips. It was soft and welcoming, as it always has been. The short sensation caused them both to smile

"I love you" Leorio suddenly blurted out. So much he even shocked himself.

His eyes widened as he realised what he just said. Y/n couldn't help but giggle at how adorable he looked whenever he got shy and blushed. He would never admit to it though, whenever she informed him of his lovable face

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