Chapter 1

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           You jumped out of your 1998 Volkswagen and went to your apartment. You had just graduated from school and decided to go to NYC for college. Fortunately, the college had apartments right down the street from it. They weren't the best apartments but, not the worst. You were from New Jersey and your old home wasn't the greatest either. Most New Jersey houses aren't special or anything. There was a lot of gangs and gun violence there. New York was close to being just as ratchet as New Jersey though. First thing you saw when you got here was a man in a hospital gown asking people for money and chasing them. New York was even scarier at night. You always had a fear of getting bonked in the head when walking on the streets alone.

You opened the door to your new apartment. It was so empty it made you feel uneasy. You weren't used to living home alone. This would definitely take some time to save up money to decorate it or, you could just go thrifting and buy old furniture. Oh, what are you saying it's not New Jersey, this is New York. Finding a thrift shop or even a cheap store would be almost impossible. Except for the Indian men on the streets trying to sell you stuff. Hey, speaking of Indian men you remembered how you took a picture with some Indian men in a Spider-Man costume and he made you pay for it after you took the photo. That Spider-Man costume was very see through but, hey that made it funnier.

You unpacked your stuff on the empty mattress in the bedroom. There was already a TV and a desk so, you added some sizzle by putting stuff on the desk and around the TV. It didn't look half as bad as before. In fact, you were actually getting comfortable already. You turned around and saw your old Epiphone Les Paul in it's guitar case. Before you went to college, you played bass and sometimes guitar in a band. You and your friend f/n switched instruments sometimes. Remembering where your bass was you ran back to your car and got it. Your bass was an Ibanez. Not sure what model or anything because, it was given to you by your great grandpa who died. You picked up your bass case and carried it in your apartment. You grabbed some guitar and bass wall stands and nailed it in the wall. You grabbed your guitar and bass and gently put it on the stands and stepped back to admire it.

You put your Star Wars bed sheets on your naked mattress.

"Epic." You said to yourself.

College didn't start until tomorrow. But, you had to go pick up your class schedule. You picked up your keys off of an old coffee table and went outside and locked the door. And then you went down the long staircase that seemed like it went on forever. You figured you could just walk to the college so, you didn't need your car.

You went inside an office and waited in line. You couldn't see how many people were in front of you due to the tall man with black hair in front of you. He dressed gothic but, you couldn't see his face.

The man in front of you stepped out of line to answer a call. So, you just went ahead of him. Once you got to the front the woman handed you a paper while she worked on something on the computer. You stepped back out of the line and examined the paper. Something wasn't right.

Carlos Dengler

Just as you read that name you felt a tap on your shoulder.

"Hey, I think that ones mine."

You turned around and saw the tall man who was in front of you.

"Are you y/n?" He asked.

"Oh, sorry, the lady at the desk got us mixed up. Yeah, that's me."

You and the tall man named Carlos switched papers.

"Oh, you took a music major too? We have three classes together." He pointed at your class schedules.

"Oh, that's awesome! So, what are you taking music for?" You asked.

"I'm experimenting, I might switch majors a couple of times, I love music."

"Oh, that's awesome. What kind of music are you interested in?" You asked.

"I really like punk and metal. Y'know stuff like Joy Division and Iron Maiden. I mean, I really fucking love Joy Division."

"You're dead serious? I really like punk and metal too! I love Joy Division and I also really like The Misfits. I'm not really into thrash metal though, I'm more of a nu metal person." You replied.

"Yeah I figured. Your shirt makes it obvious but, I really like the gothic style also, nice Doc Martens."

"I like your Docs too. But, I took Music because, I used to be in a band but, we had a fallout."  You replied.

"And if you don't mind me asking, what kind of instrument did you play?"

"I switched around with my friend. Sometimes, I'd be on bass and other times, I'd be on guitar."

"I also play guitar, I've never been interested in bass. I mean, it's not my instrument of choice."

You guys stood there and talked for 30 minutes before the lady at the desk told you and Carlos to leave.

"Hey, wanna exchange numbers? Maybe, we could help each other out. We both don't know anybody that goes to the college." Carlos asked.

"Yeah man, that would help a lot."

You and Carlos put each others numbers in your phones.

"Carlos's D? Haha very mature."

"Yeah, nobody pronounces my last name right. Everybody calls me Carlos D."

"Is it pronounced Ding-lur?" You asked.

"No, it's Dang-ler."

"Your not from here, are you?"

"Yeah, my mom is Columbian and my father is German."

"Oh, that's awesome. It explains your big ass nose."

"Sorry, what was that?"

"I didn't say anything."


"Oh hey, it's 7:00 I think I'm gonna head to my apartment. It was cool meeting you though." You said walking backwards

"Oh, it was cool meeting you too, bye!" He replied as he got in his car.


You kept walking and his car drove the direction you was going. No, it can't be. You arrived at your apartment and saw him walk up the stairs. 

"Are you following me?" You asked.

"No, I live here." He replied.

He looked down at you and you got butterflies in your stomach.

"Oh, oh, so you're my apartment neighbor."

He smiled.
"Yeah I guess so."

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