wake up

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The dreadful iPhone alarm rang through my ears. Groaning and rolling over, I slammed my hand over my phone to turn off the alarm. I sat up and slipped out of bed. Dragging myself into the bathroom, I took a look at my reflection. "First day of school huh?" I muttered to myself while grabbing my tooth brush. "Just lucky I don't have practice today." I sighed. "JAYLYNN HURRY UP SO I CAN TAKE PICTURES!" My mom said from downstairs. I rolled my eyes and got in the shower. After the shower I put on my bright orange,yellow, and red pants along with a black crop top and vans. I grabbed my backpack and AirPods and stormed downstairs. "Finally." My mom muttered and I clenched my fists. "Can we take the pictures now?" I asked as I headed towards the door. I stood outside and my mom came out with her phone pointed towards me. "Okay not stand in front of the garage." She said and I did exactly that. My dog came and sat next to me while she took the pictures. I gave her a expressionless face. "Can I leave now?" I asked and she nodded. I dashed off to the bus stop, which was a very short walk from my house. The bus arrived after 5 minutes of me standing there. I got on and immediately headed for the back of the bus. I took my seat and put in my AirPods. 'I'm definitely not talking too much today', I thought to myself. The bus came to a halt and I jumped out of my thoughts. I stood up and shoved my way out of the bus. I dragged my feet to the entrance of this god forsaken place that I just LOVE being at. Haha sarcasm a good one. I found the group of friends that I hung out with last year and took a seat at the table. After maybe 10 minutes of zoning out, the bell rang and I got up to stand next to a wall. "So where is the team?" I muttered and at that moment I got a text. I looked down at my phone to see the name 'Nik' pop up. "Turn around." Was all the text said so I did exactly that and spotted not even half of the team sitting in the corner of the cafeteria. As I walked up, my ex and I made eye contact. I huffed and took a seat in between a senior and my best friend. Today was going to be a longggg day.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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