at there house 🥺🚁💕

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Class was over my first day wasnt as bad as I thought it was going to be. I go outside and sit in my car for a bit. Then I see tony. I roll the window down he askes "may I come in pwease" I nod then he sits down and asked if he can ride with you to his house. " yeah tony of course". "Y/n can I take u out to icecream" " I mean I'll go but I dont eat that much." "Why y/n?" "Honestly I think I'm overweight" "your perfect Y/n!!" "Thanks tony I will go out to get icecream with you."
"Thanks it's a date" he said which got me alittle confused are we dating? Does he like me?

Y/n everything okay?? He asked "yes I'm okay!" "Talk to me" he said. "It would ruin our bond as friends so I cant at the moment its quite dumb" we arrive at the icecream shop. Ngl it was very romantic. Then he got 2 straws and a xtra large milkshake and we drink it he got my favorite strawberry. Gosh I like him it's the best time to tell him so what do I have 2 lose.

   "Hey tony" "huh? Y/n" "uhh I think you are very attractive and you are nice and when we hugged it made me feel something I have never felt before" " y/n i have a little bit of a crush on you but dont tell anybody" " I'll keep my mouth shut" I smiled and blushed..we got back in my car and went to there house.
He opened the door for me which was so sweet.. " hey dre!" "Where have u been??!!" "Me and  tones had alittle icecream trip." 'Oh okay" tony waved for me to come up the stairs it then lead me to a room which was large. I then plopped down on his bed and he put on Netflix and gave me the remote and said "you pick hot stuff". "I then put on titanic since I'll be here for awile. He patted his bed for me too come sit next to him I just sit next to him not touching him he takes me and says if you dont give me cuddles then I'll tickle you. "Ok,ok,ok I surrender" I lay my head on his chest and he puts his arms around me and kisses me on the forhead" I start crying because of the scene of Jack and rose in the ocean. And tony just holds me . "Thanks love" I say he grabs my chin and wipes my eyes and says my beautiful princess dont cry. I then kiss him on the cheek. We then go downstairs and order some chick-fil-a. And then eat. And do a few tiktoks. I did my own which was the savage dance I had to throw it back. And Tony was in the back just being dumb in the background. Tony then takes me home even though it was right across the street.

" thanks for tonight y/n"
  "No thank you tony for the unconditional love''
  '' I really like you y/n
    ''I really really like you tony"
     "Then why don't we go on a date?"
     "Well tony I'm not ready first day at school and already going on a date not that I dislike you or anything it's just I like you alittle to much tony and I kinda like our relationship we have now as friends but I'm not saying I wont be going on a date with u in the future because I'll say yes then it's just to early tones.

"Ok y/n I'll see u tommarow at school. Do u want me to take u"
"That would be nice but I get Starbucks every single morning.
"I'll take you anything for you"
"Thank you tony well if u want you can text me tonight"
"I'd love that y/n"
"Well I should go!" I didn't really want to go
"Ok well I'll text you later princess"

That conversation just replayed and replayed in my head for about 45 minutes untill I hear my phone go off and it was tony.
  The conversation

T-Do you like me y/n
Y-of course why
T- you rejected  me
Y- it's too early but I will go in one date when do u want to go
T- Friday I'll pick u up at 6 pm.
Y- it's a date then
T-princess you better go to bed 💕🥺
Y- I like you a lot tony. U make my heart flutter with butterflies
T- ok well good. Good night beautiful
End of messages

That conversation I could think about all my life. I jump in the shower thinking of Tony. No guy ever tells me good night they just say gn which pisses me off a lot.  I wonder where he is going to take me!!  

A/n this was pretty long ig. But keep swinging 💕🚁🚁🚁

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