All In a Day's Work

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Daxter dropped the remaining crystals and looked around the machine to see if there was a slot of some sort, as there weren't any exposed buttons nor panels.
"I don't see where ta put tha crystals. Do you guys?" he looked to see and the other three were looking around the gun. They all looked at him and shook their heads 'no'. "Alright. Means we gotta get those two to activate it for us."

"Would it be that easy to just ask them?" Clank asked.

"I'm not sure. But we have to figure out something or else we're gonna be stuck here forever." Bentley looked back at the Super team, who was floating in front of the Battle Bot.

"Grr..." Lunk was annoyed, watching the four of them float and taunt them.

"Looks like we win this challenge!" Super Ratchet said.

"Yeah, if you guys want to avoid an embarrassing beat down, you'd better give up now!" Super Sonic added. Lunk activated the mic

"You dolts haven't won yet!" the robot spun around and sprouted wings, soared above the group and floated backwards. "Follow us now losers!" he giggled.

"They really want us to go harder!" Super Jak started to get riled up.

"Yeah. Should we ram into them again?" Super Ratchet asked. Super Sonic thought and nodded 'yes'. They got together and followed the machine into space and gradually sped up faster and faster.

"Gleeber, press the orange button. Continuously." Lunk said. Gleeber rapidly pressed the orange button, and many small metallic balls came out of the chest.

"Whoa, they really want to take us down, huh?" Super Jak asked the others. They nodded and Super Ratchet noticed something

"Hey look! They stopped!" he lead the group towards the balls to examine them.
"Should we hit them?" Super Sly rose a brow

"I dunno." he squinted at one of them. It started glowing and one by one, they others glow.
"I think they're gonna explode!" he warned the others.

"Come to me!" Super Sonic raised his hands as the other three huddle together around him
"Chaos Control!" as he shouted, time had stopped and they flew past the bombs in order to get to the robot. Time had restored when they gotten close.

"Uh-oh..." Gleeber sighed.

"WHAT?! THEY CAN TELEPORT?" Lunk watched as the bombs exploded and the super team was floating in front of them once again.

"Last chance to give up!" Super Sonic taunted.

"We're gonna kill you two at this point!" Super Jak threatened.

Bentley and Tails were looking around the gun very closely, trying to find something they can insert the crystals into. Clank and Daxter were tending to the Whibbles, making sure the ones that were present were alright.

"Man, what happened to that remote that he had earlier?" Tails asked.

"I believe he still has it on him. Maybe it was a universal remote?" Bentley suggested
"I would say we can hack into the systems and just make it work. But looking around this thing there aren't any exposed wiring or any control panels."

"Nor any levers or buttons." Tails added and looked back at the super team.

Super Sonic turned and huddled everyone together.
"Okay, this has gone on long enough. Let's end this." he received collective nods from the others and they start building up energy in their bodies.

"Lunk, what're they doing?" Gleeber was internally panicking.

"I don't know. Squash them!" The arms came up and opened very wide then slammed them onto the super team. Upon opening their hands, they all descended slowly and blasted towards them at full speed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2022 ⏰

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