1 - invitation

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Ink's P.O.V

Hey there! I'm Ink sans, but you can just call me Ink. If you're wondering if I'm gonna talk to you like this for the rest of the book, No.  Just making a simple introduction, and maybe tell you what I'm doing right now. I'm actually sitting in boredom in the doodlesphere. Error isn't really destroying anything for the past four days, and I'm confused if He's plotting something, or He's just tired and taking a break, eh, maybe both, who knows he could be plotting something while resting. Okay now that you know what I'm doing, you can leave me alone now. 

I feel an aura, a good one. I look over to my shoulder to find Dream peeking through one of the Au's. "hey." he greeted. "hey Dream." I greeted back. He starts to walk towards me while getting a piece of envelop from His pocket.  he then hands me the envelop with a smile. "Ink, as one of my very beloved best friends, You are invited to me and my brother's tree celebration party!" he said enthusiastically. Of course, him and Nightmare had been protecting the tree for generations. "How many people are going to be there?" I ask. He smiles even more, but then puts a finger on his chin tapping it ever so slightly. 

"Most of the people are your friends, but then again, there are the moon Sanses." he explained looking at the ceiling. no. way. why would the moon\bad Sanses be there?! "Ahem, sorry I didn't quite get that. I thought I heard you say that the Moon Sanses are going to be there?" I ask, my eyes twitching, and I'm pretty sure i almost yelled the last part. "well, I can't just invite my own friends over now can i? Nightmare has Friends too, even if that means they are bad, they were always there for him." Dream explained doing hand gestures while doing so. He made a point though. "I hate it when you're right, dream." I say smiling slightly. he grins and says. "I'm always right, ink."

I nod and told him that I would be there Tomorrow  by eight. Then again, there wasn't really any real time in the Multiverse. Dream left using his portal, or maybe he used teleportation? I don't know anymore. I grab my sketchbook and start to doodle. A few hours later, I fell asleep. 

I woke up a few hours later. it was already night. I open a portal to a random Au, just to get rid of boredom. I look around and see. . . No-one. There was dust everywhere. this must be dust's place. I was about to turn around and leave when I heard Someone shout my name. "Hey." I already knew who it was, since there was only one person who lives in this Au. I hesitated but then turned around to face him. "Dust." I said sternly. He grinned and put his hands on his waist. "What's a little guy like you doing out here alone?" He said. I was offended and irritated at the same time.

"Dust. I am about only a few inches smaller than you--" "Which makes you, little." He interrupted. He laughed hysterically and tried to calm down. "Haha. . . But seriously, what are you doing here?" He asked. "Boredom." I reply bluntly. Dust already knows that I was soulless so he didn't bother to kill me. He was actually one of the sans' that were smart. I mean there were alot of smart sanses, but Dust is one of the type that you can actually reasonate with.

"Are you invited to the party?" I ask him. "What party? I can assure you I'm so popular that I've been invited to millions of parties from millions of Au's" he said grinning. I smile at his. . . I don't know if it's sarcasm or stupidity. "No. . . Who would want a killer like you in their Au?" I respond. He smiles and rolled his eyes playfully. "You mean Dream's party; the one where almost Every Au comes to celebrate just because of the stupid tree." Dust exclaims. "The tree means everything to them, but I do have to agree on you with this one. They didnt need the whole Multiverse to celebrate it with them, I already know that Fell isnt coming,more particularly Fell-swap, and who knows who else."

Dust just looks at me and shrugs. "I dont even know where it's gonna be hosted. "He says. "It's at their old palace, or village." I explain.
"Hey, wanna go together?" I ask him. "You're not asking me to be your date are you? Cause that would definitely be a no." He says. I widen my eyes in confusion and suddenly realize ehat I just said. "Ew, no. It's just that we 'the smart ones' should probably stick together." I explain. "So you're saying that I'm smart and that we tree haters should probably stick together." He says. "Uh, I am not a Tree hater, you are. But yes exactly" Dust just stared at me and grins. "I mean, sure, what could possibly go wrong?" He says while smirking. He was definitely planning something.

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