Namkook-"Daddy play with me! " P2

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In which the boys struggle to find Koo.

"Mornin'! " Little Tae jumps up and down enthusiastic for the day, he hugs unto Jin's back and nuzzles his head. Jin is cooking breakfast for the 7 people as usual.
"Morning Taebear" Jin ruffles his hair, Tae smiles and goes to find the next member to hug and say good morning to.
"Appaaaaaaaaaaaaa" he jumps unto yoongi, the elder holding him in his arms. Tae nuzzles his face into the crook of the man's neck, mumbling a good morning.
"Morning sweetheart" Yoongi says, giving the boy a little kiss on the forehead.
Slowly all the boys come out of their rooms, sitting down to eat breakfast, well... Except Koo and Namjoon. Namjoon was still fast asleep and Koo was out in his fort.
"Whew'e's Koo Jinnie? " Tae asks looking up at the man.
"He said that he would go to sleep with Namjoon" Jin says, not worrying too much since this was a normal thing Koo would do.
"C-can I wake Koo and Joonie Hyungie up? " Tae asks, Smiling up, Jin gives the boy a nod and he stands up, skipping to Namjoon's room. He knocks on the door 3 times as he was taught and opens the door, He saw Namjoon sprawled up in bed, with Koo nowhere in sight. He tilts his head, even checking under the bed for his friend. He shakes the man until he opens his eyes.
"Whe'we Koo? " He tilts his head, pouting. Namjoon blinks his eyes open before processing the words.
"I don't know Tae, Have you checked his room? " Namjoon says, his voice deep and scratchy. ' But Jinnie said-'
Tae bolted out the door and up the stairs to where Jungkook's room was and he searched the whole entire space before running down.
"KOO IS GONE! " Tae screeches, with a face of fear. Jin's eyes widen and he turns off the stove right away, he runs into Namjoon's room seeing no Jungkook and look and the man.
"WHERE IN THE WORLD IS KOO-" Jin panics, Namjook realizing tge little is actually gone and there is a big problem  in that shoots up.
"WAIT KOO'S GONE? " He runs up to the boy's room calling out for the little, but to no avail.
"He said he was waiting for you to get home last night Namjoon! He was last with you! " Jin panics, Tae crying in Yoongi's arms as they're looking for him.
"KOO! JUNGKOOK! " Namjoon shouts out to the backyard, hoping he was there, yet he was met with no response.
Meanwhile, Koo wakes up with his tummy grumbling, crawling he walks over to a corner and grabs a small pack  crackers and opens the box which contains his drawings and his water supply. He grabs a bottle of water and crawls back to his sleeping bag, he covers himself in the blanket hoping to keep warm in the cold temperatures.
He nibbles on the cracker as he recalls the event of last night, how sad he was, how scared he was, how angry he was. Yoongi would always come home late at night and cuddle with Tae, why can't Namjoon, he just doesn't get it. They start at about the same time and end at about the same time, so why is Yoongi so different, did he do something wrong?
"Koo! "He hears faintly in the distance, it's Namjoon, he knows that voice. Oh,  so now he looks for him, So now he cares? Koo stays silent and tries hard to keep himself from crying. Namjoon didn't deserve to hear him.
"Koo! I no wanna play hide an' seek anymore! " Tae calls for him too, his voice cracking, he can tell his friend is crying. But he can't yell back, he just cant, because then Namjoon would see him, and he Koo doesn't want to see him.
After a good 20 minutes of them calking out for him they go look inside again, presumably calling his friends to make sure. Jungkook has a flip phone in there,  has pretty good service too,  believe it or not, but only yugyeom has his extra number.
Sure enough, confirming his suspicions, Yugyeom calls him on his extra phone, he answers, Yugyeom understands.
"What's this? " Namjoon asks, looking at the drawings left on the counter.
"Koo made them for you, didn't he show it to you? " Jin says, raising an eyebrow.
Namjoon stares at two back and forth

'Fort I presume? ' Yugyeom says, Koo hums.
"M' Daddy was meanie, hurted Koo in
The heaw't and pushies" He sniffles, Yugyeom knows Jungkook is a little, accepts his friend, takes care of him. Jungkook and Yugyeom talk for a little bit, Koo ranting to Yugyeom, and Yugyeom trying to get him to calm down, they only hangup when Yugyeom has practice.
"I'll call you later after practice okay Koo, be careful okay? "
"M'kay Yuggie" Jungkook Mumbles, making Yugyeom smile from the other side of the phone.
"Mhm, bye Koo~" Jungkook mumbles a goodbye before sitting there and continuing to nibble at the cracker, being careful to drink as little water as possible as to not have to pee as much.
Jungkook spends the day sitting down and drawing and laying down thinking.

It's getting colder, he doesn't have much to warm himself and he's been freezing all day. 
He looks at the time on his flip phone,  5 pm, 'I think daddy learnt his lesson ' he thinks to himself, he calls yugyeom,the man panting when he answers.
"Tew' them whew'e I am. " he says right away, shivering in the sleeping bag.
"M' cowd Yuggie weawy cowd" Yugyeom asserts the boy and calls Jin right away.

*phone rings*

"It's from Yugyeom! " Jin says so that everyone can gather around. They've been looking since the morning, they haven't stopped. They checked everywhere, and even called the police(24 hour policy oof), maybe Yugyeom has a clue.
"Yugyeom? " Jin says, tired and worn out by now, Yugyeom starts with a "put me on speaker" Jin does so, pressing the button.
"He's in the woods. In a fort in the woods. It's a 15 minute walk from the house, pit me on video call, I'll show you where it is. "

//time skip//

"Turn left at the tree with the bow and arrow drawn on the side and walk straight for about 5 minutes, you'll get there. Now I need to go back to practice, call me if you need anything. " the 6 boys walk around the cold forest, all in coats and sweaters as it's almost winter, they do as instructed until Tae steps on something that appears to be... Paper?
"Appa thewe's papew' " he points at the white material. The others nod, they're on the right track. They eventually see the structure that is Jungkook's fort, the boy shivering inside.
"Koo?! " Namjoon shouts for the boy, the boy's too cold to move.
"J-Jinnie " he says, the boys hear his voice, it's small, and delicate. Tae pushes the table aside, crawling in to find Jungkook.
"Koo! " Tae crawls over to the other, hugging him. Koo starts crying, Tae hugs him tight. Jin pops his head in, crawls in slowly.
"J-jinnie m'-m' c-c-cow'd" Koo says, Jin takes off his coat slipping it unto the boy. The boys sits there hugging unto Jin for dear life and crying,the fear coming back to him. Jin holds him, ruffling the boy's hair and giving him kisses. Eventually, they do coax Koo out of the fort, hiding behind Jin because he was scared, scared of his Daddy. Everyone comes close to hug him, Jungkook squeaks. No, he doesn't want to be crowded right now. Namjoon comes to give him a hug but Koo winces, walking backwards. Namjoon, confused walks closer to try to talk to Koo.
"Nu Nut Pwease nu" Jungkook whimpers, confusing everyone.
"Koo? What's wrong baby? " Namjoon tries to reach his hand out to lift the boy's head, Jungkook clutches his chin, which was a bit bruised from yesterday. And Jungkook slaps his hand away, using his other hand to protect his face. His eyes widen after realising what he just did.
"M' sorry! M'sorry! Didn't mean to!.don't huwt me.." He whimpers out curling up and covering his ears, crying. The boys are stunned, absolutely stunned, Jungkook has never once rejected a hug. At this point the boys is sobbing, putting his hand up protecting his head.
"I'wl b-b-be a g-good b-boy, p-pwease don' huwt me daddy.. p-pwease.. " his voice cracks and fear runs through his body. Namjoon opens up his arms.
"I promise I won't hurt you sweetheart, I'd never hurt you, can you come here Koo baby? " Namjoon tries to coax the boy, Koo looks up at his caregiver, a broken look on his face.
"You w'ied d-daddy... You h-huwt Koo. You huwt Koo so so m-much.. " Koo is still crying, Namjoon seems confused and shocked. Does he not know where he went wrong yet?
"Koo I-"
"You pushed me 'member? " Koo says, Namjoon thinking hard, suddenly, memories of last night flash through his mind and his eyes widen, tears welling in his eyes as he realized his wrong.
"I-i'm so sorry Koo baby, I didn't mean to, I love you sweetheart.. " Koo looks up at his caregiver, Koo's hurt. Really hurt. Koo's face softens as he sees a tear fall down his caregiver's face,but then remembers that the only reason their in this position is him. Koo stands up,his face fiery from the tears and crying himself. He tilts his head to the side, and reaches out a hand to slap Namjoon right across the cheek.
"Koo-" Jin wants to scold, but stops knowing that it'll only make Koo angrier. Namjoon puts a hand over his cheek, it stings.
"That's w-what Koo few't wike in Koo's heawt. "Koo says , he opens his arms for Namjoon, 'it's even.' the boy thinks to himself, Namjoon takes his opportunity to hug the boy as hard as he can. Koo returns the hug, tightly holding on. They both cry into each other's shoulders, a silent promise to not hurt each other again.


Should I make a part 3 lol

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