Lavenders (Part 1)

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I lightly tapped my pencil against my desk in a steady rhythm. Soft whispers floated in the air. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the Johnson kid continuously looking down a small slip of paper that held all the test answers. I could here one or two kids crying as quietly as possible. I looked down at the thick packet in front of me.

My class was having one of its extremely difficult tests. It wasn't the exams. The exams made the smartest kids sob and teachers lose all sense of themselves. No, this was a monthly test that was taken to prove to the school board and district that Shiketsu High was better than the Hero school, UA.

I didn't care much for UA. It was difficult enough being friends with four students from there. Other students here always dissed me because I was friends with Aoyama Yuga, Jiro Kyoka, Monoma Neito, and Shinso Hitoshi. Monoma was annoying as fuck, Aoyama was my wing man, Shinso was my second wing man, and Jiro was my neighbor. After school we would all hang out at a nearby park, the mall, or a cafe. My personal life was a mixture of chill and wild.

I looked up when I heard the after bell. My classmates all jumped up and ran to their lockers to grab their stuff and head home. I turned in my life-threatening test and walked out the classroom door. I had noticed the teacher hadn't asked me to stay this time to help with grading. Then again, it is almost the end of the school year. I dreaded when Summer came around for I have to help my mother's friend at her little summer camp job. Something about 'tons of campers' and 'cute kids.' I'm only going for the cute campers. Mother thinks I'm going for the boys only. Father knows I'm going for both though.

I headed past the hundreds of students pushing to get through the gates. I just hopped onto the wall and onto the other side. I ran at my top speed as I heard students yelling my name in anger. I slowed to a stop when I reached the halfway mark to UA.

Just a few more minutes and UA should let out. Then I'll wait for my idiots of friends.

I always loved my trip to UA after school. Cherry blossoms would rain down onto the asphalt ground, little cars would drive by, happy chatter surrounded the neighborhood, animals stirred about, and the nearby school which held many unique students would always bring that touch of chaos to the peaceful streets.

I stopped right in front of the gates as soon as the school bell rang. Students of every kind spilled from the front entrance. They didn't push and shove like the students at my school. Some stayed in the the courtyard either awaiting their friends or chatting with them already. I saw three distinct groups heading to the gates. Leading the middle group looked like an angry Pomeranian, leading the group on the left was a kid with green hair, and leading the group on the right was Monoma.

All three groups stopped at the gates when they saw me.

"Who's this damn extra?!" The Pomeranian yelled.

"You can't keep calling people extras!" A boy with glasses and blue hair yelled back at the angry dog.

"My name is L/N Y/N. I prefer N/N though," I deadpan.

"L/N?" A familiar voice asked.

I looked to see that it was the one and only, Kaminari Denki.

"Hello, Kaminari-kun," I greeted.

I saw Jiro hugging Kaminari's arm and felt my blood boil.

"Hey N/N, um, I won't be able to join you and the guys. I'm hanging out with the Bakusquad today," Jiro informed us.

"You know them, Jiro?" A red  headed male asked.

Jiro nodded her head in confirmation. Her purple head moved in sync with her nod. I always wondered if Jiro naturally had purple hair or if it was dyed. The same went with Hito. The only people with normal hair colors was Monoma, Aoyama, and me. Blonde, blonde, and (h/c). 

"Well okay then. Have fun, Jiro. If you need us you know where to find us," I waved goodbye before quickly turning around to make my escape with the boys. Sadly, someone prevented us from doing so.

"Why don't we all just hang out together. Jiro is or friend and we wouldn't want to have her other friends feel left out. Is it alright if we all just hang with you guys? It'll be educational," the literal embodiment of the Canadian flag decided to say.

I glanced over at the boys and saw Hitoshi with his dead tired look, Aoyama looked alright with it, and Monoma looked ready to run his mouth.

I quickly turned around with a bright smile and said, "We don't mind at all. You guys can join us. We were actually just about to head to the lavender fields!"

I didn't know what the candy cane meant by "we", sadly. Apparently he meant all three groups. I really, truly, hoped that he meant just his friends. Not an angry Pomeranian, a red head, Kirby, a nerd, Pikachu, a cinnamon roll, pinky, and tape for elbows.

As the boys and I began walking away we heard the other two groups start chatting and following us.

"What the hell, N/N?!" Hitoshi angrily whispered.

"That was totally uncalled for, Y/N," Monoma whined.

"Your face was uncalled for," I retorted back at the annoying blonde.

I heard Hitoshi start quietly giggling at the insult.

"Oh my, do you need ice for that burn, cherí?" Aoyama asked Monoma.

"All three of you need to shut the hell up," the annoying blonde whined once again.

"I never realized how long the fields were from UA until these idiots started walking with us," Hito mumbled.

"I'll buy you guys one thing if you cooperate. It has to be in my budget though. Y'all know I be broke as fuck," I reasoned with the three males.

"I want another cat."

"I want more flowers."

"I want a dog."

"Fuck both of you," I glared at Hitoshi and Monoma, "I don't even know if I can afford a cat and dog."

They looked at each other before saying,"We'll help pay."


Somebody shoot me. I've officially, accidently, became a fanfiction writer. And not the ones who barely put any effort. I mean the "1000-2000" worded chapters. I had to take a screenshot of the 1000 mark because I still can't tell if it's real or its just my sleep deprivation messing with me.

Thank you to the small amount of readers who waited for this chapter. Y'all are the best!

Word Count: 1147

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