01 | First Day

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*beep beep*

I turned off my alarm clock, to think yesterday was summer and now it's the first day of school.

Oh hey! I guess you guys want to know a little bit about me right? My name is Jessica Peterson and I'm a junior in high school. My parents are divorced, I live with my mother, but I talk to my father on a daily basis. I live in a pretty big house, 4 floors, with my mom in Los Angeles, and my dad lives in Massachusetts. I'm an only child, I know it's weird that I live in such a big house, with only two people living in it. My mother likes to have holiday gatherings and invite our neighbors and family to socialize. I'm a horseback rider, I have brunette hair that falls a little above my waist, brown eyes and I'm about 5'2. Does that cover everything?

Ok as I said before I'm currently getting ready for the first day of my junior year.

"Come on Jessica you're going to be late for the first day!" My mom yelled from downstairs. I grabbed my bag, an apple and hopped into the car.

*at school*

"Bye hon, hope you have a good first day! Make some new friends!" she says and blows me a kiss as I walk up to the front door of the main building.


The campus is huge, there are 8 buildings and if I weren't a junior I would get lost so easily. I walked into the main building where all the lockers were.

"Hey JP!" I turned around and saw my friend Spencer, he was actually one of the first friends I made back in 9th grade when I didn't know how to open my locker. He is 5'9, brown hair and green eyes.

"Hey Spencer!" I walked over to his direction.

"So how was your summer?" He asked.

"It was fun, I went to Massachusetts to visit my dad and spent a few weeks down there. How about you?" I asked him.

"Nothing really, I traveled a little, but mostly stayed here"

*ring ring*

That was the bell signaling us to go to homeroom.

"I'll see you later" I told Spencer and headed off.


I hope you liked the first official chapter! I know it was boring, but I was just describing the main character and her background. Trust me the next update will be much more interesting! Since I am on winter break there is a possible chance I will post the second update tomorrow so stay tuned! :)

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