Date at The Roost

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RN) = “Reader’s name”
    It was a cool summer night in the town around 7:20 PM when a certain Dutch Rabbit left her house to meet up with her best friend. Her and this person had been good friends ever since the day that Dotty had moved in, and tonight this friend had invited her to get drinks with him at the local café. Dotty was dressed in her best clothes, which happened to be a maid dress which this friend had given her some time ago. She didn’t mind wearing such an outfit though. She thought it fit her pretty well, and all the other ladies in the town wore them too. The walk from Dotty’s house to her friend’s didn’t take very long. The two of them lived very close to each other. Dotty had reached her destination after less than five minutes of walking.
    Dotty’s friend lived in a very large house with a red roof. The house had two floors to it showing how much time, effort, and money it’s owner had put into it. The front garden was very well kept too. There were many kinds of flowers growing in it including pink and white roses. There was a stone path leading up to the front door, and the lights were on inside, showing that someone was home. Dotty was overcome with excitement so she Naruto ran up the path to the door. Once there she raised her right hand and knocked on the door three times. NO more than 15 seconds later the door opened revealing a human villager. An ! appeared over his head because he had been startled, but he greeted Dotty politely.
    “Oh hey Dotty. I wasn’t expecting you to come early. I thought we had agreed to meet up at 8:00.” Dotty took out her Nook Phone and turned on the screen. The time on it read 7:30 PM. Dotty had arrived a whole 30 minutes early. Dotty got very distressed because of her mistake.
    “Oh (RN) I’m SO sorry. I was just so excited to hang with you that I lost track of time and left early. Please forgive me!” Dotty was full on panicking now, so to calm her down the human villager put his hand on her shoulder and then spoke.
    “Dotty it’s totally all right. You see, I was ready to go anyway so I was actually about to ask you if you wanted to come a little early.” After hearing this, Dotty totally calmed down.
    “Omigosh, thank goodness. I was so worried that I messed up.” Dotty said, looking much more relaxed. “So (RN), Why don’t we get going?” The human answered Dotty.
    “That’s a good idea. There’s no reason to be staying around here right now.” The human steps out of his house and shuts the door behind him. After locking it, the two head on their way to where they would spend some quality time together.
    As the two strolled through the town, they observed the nightlife which was usually picking up around this time of night. They saw a pair of villagers in work uniforms walk out from Nookington’s carrying a large box which contained a brand new flat screen TV. After they left the store Raymond followed behind them, looking as smug and serious as always. The human assumed that it must have been Raymond who baught the TV, and the workers were helping him take the new set to his house. Next door to Nookington’s, Tasha could be seen in Able Sisters looking at their selection of clothing for the day. Finally nearby Olaf could be seen descending into a sketchy staircase in the ground. A moment later, a large flashing sign turned on above the staircase which read “Olaf’s Underground Casino.” The human did not approve of Olaf’s service, but it wasn’t technically illegal so he didn’t care that it was there, and he wouldn’t judge anyone for choosing to go there. Finally the two of them came to their destination. Down the road from the rest of the stores lay a humble café near a streetlight which dimly lit the area. Warm light flowed out from the windows. Above the door hung a sign which read “The Roost” in fancy looking cursive font.
    “Well, here we are.” The human said. Dotty’s face lit up with happiness.
    “Omigosh yay! I love coffee so much. I’m so happy we came here.” Dotty said excitedly. The human chuckled a bit and put his hand on Dotty’s shoulder.
    “Ha ha, I had a feeling you’d like to come here. Why don’t we head inside and order ourselves some drinks?” Dotty looked at the human and smiled again.
    “Oh (RN) I’d love to.” With that, Dotty ran into the café and the human followed closely behind her.
    The opening of the café door caused a bell which was attached to it to ring. When this happened, the bartender (who was busy cleaning a glass) was alerted to the customers arrival. He looked over to the two new customers and spoke to them.
    “Well hello there you two. What can I get for you today?” He said in a smoothe voice which had a slight southern accent to it. The human villager answered him.
    “Hey Brewster. We’re here to get some drinks.” Brewster seemed to be pleased by this.
    “Well that’s just wonderful. What can I get you two?” Brewster asked. The human opened his mouth to speak, but Dotty was faster than him, so she got to order first.
    “I’ll have a Blue Mountain please, oh and a donut too.” Brewster took out a notepad and jotted down Dotty’s order. He then looked over to the human Expecting him to say what he would like. Not wanting to cause any problems, the human said his order.
    “Uh… I’ll have a (whatever drink the reader wants) please?” Brewster wrote down the human’s order on his notepad.
    “All right then. I’ll get those drinks to you in just a moment.” Brewster then walked to the coffee machine near the back of the store and began preparing the orders. While Dotty and the human waited for their drinks and pasteries they looked around the café. Around the café there was both a bar with several barstools for customers to sit at, and   there were several tables with different animals sitting at them drinking coffee. There was Camofrog, T-Bone, Chevre, and even Antonio was there, sitting at the bar, giving himself some energy for his night time workout session. Dotty and the human made idle chatter as they waited for their drinks. They talked about how their day had been, and other silly things that they had done together. Finally Brewster returned with their drinks and pasteries. He handed them over to the two of them, being sure to not confuse who ordered what as he did so. “All righty, here you go. Now be sure to drink your drinks while they’re still hot. You know what happens to people around here when they don’t drink their drinks when they’re still hot don’t you?” Brewster asked as he got a somewhat menacing look on his face. Both the human and Dotty nodded their heads nervously and both spoke at the same time.
    “Yes sir, we know.” After saying this the two went and took one of the empty booths which sat next to one of the windows.
    After Dotty and the Human sat down at their boothe they immediately got to work on their drinks. They chugged down their scalding hot drinks, seemingly immune to the hot temperature. They were used to drinking their drinks hot because it was a rule in The Roost that drinks must be drunk when they are still hot. Once they finished their drinks they placed the cups on the table. They then pumped their fists in the air and said “Yes! Allright.” in celebration for finishing the hot liquid. They then sat back in their seats, their mouths still burning, and the human started to speak.
    “SO uh Dotty, There’s something that I’ve been wanting to tell you lately.” Dotty leaned in on the table with her arms.
    “Oh What is it?” She asked. The human gathered his words and took a deep breath.
    “Dotty. I uh…” Before the human could say what he wanted to he got distracted by some flashes from out the window. “What’s that?” He asked as he looked out the window. Outside a croud of people could be seen heading toward The Roost. Many of the people had cameras, and they were constantly taking pictures of someone in the middle of the croud. The human figured that this must be what a paparazzi looks like. The human had never seen anything like this in real life before. The human looked over to Dotty and saw that she was also looking out the window at the approaching croud. After a couple minutes, the group finally arrived at the café. A single person emerged from the center of the croud and entered the café. The person was a woman with blue eyes and strange greenish black hair. She had a very creepy presence about her which caused everyone inside The Roost to go totally silent when she entered. She walked up to the bar where Brewster was waiting for her.
    “H hello there m missy. W what will you be ordering t today?” Brewster asked nervously. The woman answered in a somewhat unsettling voice.
    “Oh I would like some coffee with milk, and please make it quick.” Brewster wrote down her order.
    “V very well. M may I have your name?” Brewster asked in a more hourse voice than usual.
    “Billie, Billie Eilish.” The woman said. Brewster gulped and wrote down her name. He then went to work on her simple order without saying anything else.
Instead of just standing there and waiting for her order, billie instead headed toward where the human and Dotty were seated. The two of them became more and more uncomfortable as she walked up and spoke to them.
    Oh hello there. I haven’t seen many humans around here.” Billie said while looking the human over. “I like strong talented men like you. What do you say I shake off that pesky Poparazzi and we go and do something fun together?” The human felt awkward being asked this question, especially since it was asked by someone he doesn’t know very well.
    “Um… no thanks. I’m really not interested.” The human said. Billie didn’t take this rejection well. She glared at him intensely, but then she lightened up a bit, and she smiled.
    “Aw, why not? Surely a srapping man like you would love to have a little fun with a big celebrity like me.” She placed a cold hand on the human’s arm which caused him to squirm in his seat.
    “Well uh, there’s kind of someone else I like.” The human said. Billie looked puzzled at this. No one had ever turned her down before.
    “Oh and who could that be?” She asked. She then looked over to Dotty. “Oh, is it her? Mmm hmmm hmm, well I will say that she is very cute, but… I want you, and I won’t let this girl get in my way.” Then in a flash, Billie withdrew a knife and held it to Dotty’s neck. Dotty’s face turned from worry to genuine fear.
    “AHHHH, w why are you doing this? Are you crazy?” Dotty said. Billie got a sinister smile on her face.
    “I’m just someone who will do whatever she can to get what she wants. I guess to you though, I’m a baaaaaaad guy.” Billie prepared to slit Dotty’s neck, but the human stopped her before she did.
    “Wait stop!” The human shouted. “I’ll go with you, I’ll do whatever you want as long as you don’t hurt her.” Billie smiled, and her grip on the knife loosened, and she eased it away from Dotty’s neck.
    “Mmm hmm hmm hmm, It’s good to know that you see things my way. Now let’s get out of here, We’re gonna have so much fun together.” Dotty then objected.
    “Wait (RN)! You don’t need to do this.”
    “Yes I do Dotty.” The human said. “You’re too important to me for me to let you get hurt. I’d do anything to protect you, even this.” After the human said this Billie reached over and grabbed his hand. He stood up from his seat at the boothe, and him and Billie began to walk toward the door.
    When the human and Billie were about half way to the door Brewster spoke up.
    “Hey Billie, you’re order is ready.” Billie looked over at the bar, and when she did the human took this opportunity and broke free of her grip. He then stood inbetween her and Dotty so he could protect his friend. Billie got a look of extreme rage on her face, and she readied her sharp knife to attack.
    “What’s the meaning of this? You said that you would come with me.”
    “You thought that I’d be some obedient little dog?” The human asked. “ Hell no! I won’t let you scare my friend like you did, and I will never go with you.” The human then took a sword out from his pockets, and got ready for a fight with Billie Eilish.
    “Very well.” Billie said in a menacing voice. “I’ll just have to kill you then. Then I can do what ever I’d like with you, and everyone else in this pathetic town.” She then swung her knife at the human, but he blocked it and shoved her away. He then swung the sword down at her, but she rolled out of the way skillfully. When Billie got out of her roll she tried stabbing the human’s stomach, but he jumped back just in time. He then readied his blade and rushed at Billie for one big attack. The human swung down at her, but his blade was blocked by her’s. They remained this way for about 15 seconds, but then the human managed to get the upper hand and he was able to knock the knife out of Billie’s hand. Now that he had the advantage, he spoke to Billie.
    “I could easily finish you off right here, but if you promise to leave this town and never return, I will let you go.” Billie knew this was a life or death situation for her.
    “Ugh, fine. I’ll leave you be this time, but someday you WILL be mine. Just remember that. No one crosses Billie Eilish and get’s away with it.” She then scrambled to her feet, and made her way out of The Roost.
    Finally things had calmed down, so the human looked over to Dotty. She had actually been looking at him the whole time, but he only now noticed her.
    ”Omigosh (RN), you were so cool! I was rooting for you to win the whole time.” Dotty said. The human walked over to Dotty and helped her stand up from her seat.
    “Dotty, there’s something I wanted to tell you.”
    “What is it (RN)?” Dotty asked.
    “Dotty. I love you. I have for a while now, but I was too nervous to say so.” Dotty’s smile widened, and she hugged you tight.
    “Oh (RN) I love you too. I want to spend all my days with you.” The human felt very warm inside. He followed his heart and did what he knew he should do. He leaned in close, and him and Dotty kissed. The kiss lasted for a while, and when the two finally split, they realized that everyone else in The Roost was looking at them and smiling.
    “Hey, why don’t we go somewhere else now?” The human asked.
    “I’d go anywhere with you my love. We’ll totes be the cutest couple EVER!” Dotty answered. And with that the two of them left The Roost and spent a long lovely time with each other.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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Dotty Coffee Date: A Dotty x Male Reader fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now