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We finally managed to penetrate the facility, after an hour of struggle. We went into the pantry, in search of supplies, after a hot bath. All our eyes glittering in happiness, as we saw the food. After the brunch, we put together a strategy for the attack. And planned on commencing the drone production after a quick nap. After I comforted myself on the most delicate bed, I dozed off instantly.......

As I opened my exhausted eyes, after a nap that had turned into a longer one............. Ready to purge and sabotage their evil plans...........

I saw troops surrounding, as their handguns pointed at me. My whole body felt stiff and I couldn't even move a nerve.


How does it feel, when you know the entire world is up against you? How does it feel, when you know there's no one you can trust? How does it feel, when you know you are all alone in this vast planet? That's how I felt, as I opened my eyes, in the so called safe haven, my people yapped about. It was too late before I realized that my people had walked me into an ambush.  They had brought me into one of Mr. Peterson's facilities.

They had strung me up like an animal and started some random tests. As I Hung there timidly, Mr. Peterson had come to visit me. The scientist and millionaire who was supposedly responsible for the world's so called doom.

"Hello" he said.

As I hung there astonished, with a heart filled with rage. He walked me through everything that happened.

Everything I was ever told, was a bluff and there were no substantial monsters. That's the reason they won't let me out. Everything spoke about never existed. They planted the idea and made me believe it.

"What is the last memory you have. Do you remember anything, anything at all?" he asked, as I hung there speechless.

"I don't remember my parents! I don't know how I ended up in the hideouts, with the other people!" I shrieked, as my voice resonated.

"Interesting" he said.

"Pull him apart!" he added.

"Hey...... wait... what? ........ heeeey........ heeeeeey!" I wailed, as he strolled out of the room, with a grinn.

"Dissection commencing in 3 seconds,

3... 2....1" said a riotous man, in white clothes. And the machines started whirring, as they began unscrewing me.... As all my body parts were slowly dissected; while I hung there in total darkness.

Is this my destiny?....

As my heart started pumping faster every second, until I collapsed.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Stay tuned....

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