Stormy Grey

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Love turned into a tornado. It was a black hole that ate everything before it, stealing all sense of hope and smothering it in darkness. Love broke Marya.

Children threw lightning bolts at her, shaped into words that sounded much like, "Marya loves Timothy! Marya is a little whore!" For the first time she saw just how worthless their love had been. For the first time people turned her love into daggers. For the first time, she learned how easily love turns to hate.

Perhaps that's because hate is a different sort of love: a love that wishes to corrupt and see fire - not burn passionately in eyes - but smoke flesh from bone and rend heart from rib. And Marya watched the love in Timothy's eyes cement from lilac flowers into burning coals. She could no longer bear to look into his eyes, because when she did, she saw herself blistering in those dark pupils that were embers.

It hurt more than "I hate you" but less so than "goodbye".

Hues of Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें