3- Short interuption from a OC draft

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Here is a short commercial break where we see one of my OCs. Comment if you want me to make more of them.

I live in a world with creatures and people with powers and mutations. Boys with tails and people with angry fire beards.

I was found in an alley way as an Infant, growing up I aspired to be a hero while my parents forced to Dirty, Unspeakable things. I was Adopted into a prostitute ring. I was 5 when I had been saved and reborn into a new life.

My hero, The person who saved me adopted me and took me in. I am now finishing middle school and finished all my therapy. Now legally I can become a hero and help my step dad, Hawk.

As  I enter with my Hawk, I found my Therapist in better shape than usual.

Her Ginger hair pulled into a messy bun and her eye bags weren't as dark.

"Hi!" I greeted as we entered.
"Goodmoring." She said without enthusiasm.

"Hawk. Thankyou for coming. As her last therapy day. We are going to let go of the last reminder of her past and I need your permission." She requested.

"It depends, What are we doing today." He asked.

"Dying her hair. So, the last remaining cause of her horrible past is gone."

We stared silently for a while, nobody spoke.

"Please Daddy..." I begged. I always wanted to dye my hair. My favorite color is purple sand that would be nice.

"Okay. But, I am coming. Besides you need a hair cut anyway. "

We all left the building. We drove behind mrs. Hill and ended up at studio 13, where we always went.

They shaved the sides of my head. Put little shapes in it.

"Do you want to dye it?"

I took a few second to fully imprint this moment in my head. The last moments with black and red hair, Perfectly half and half.

"Yes... Can I dye it a darker Purple."

We walked out as a true family, And a therapist.

In a week is recommendation tests to see if I get in. Man Hawk is the best.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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