Chapter Two - Explainations

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By now, Lili had unpacked what little she had, examined all three of the rooms left to her, and pulled out her sketch pad and pencil from the bedside drawer where she had laid it.

What to draw... something she'd miss on her old planet? No, she'd never seen anything of the planet but the orphanage and surrounding village. Why should she miss that? Someone? She'd never had any real friends, no one she'd really miss. Lord Vader, maybe? Possibly, but somehow inspiration escaped her/ Choosing a subject had never been so difficult.

She was still pondering the subject when the droid returned.

"Lord Vader summons you."

She swallowed. "A-already?"

"It has been several hours since takeoff."

Lili asked the droid to prove it, and when it did, she looked down.

"Of course.... I'm - I'm coming."

She stood and looked in a mirror.

I don't feel dressed well enough to see a lord, she thought, but followed the droid anyway.

It wasn't a long walk, and she soon found herself facing him again.

"Leave us," he ordered the droid, and once it was gone, he turned to Lili.

"Lili," said the voice from behind the mask sternly, "when you are summoned, I expect you to obey at once."

"Yes, sir. Sorry, sir."

He nodded. "Sit."

She did as she was told. Hesitantly, she began to say something.

"I - I have a question, Sir."

"Ask." His emotionless tone seemed to betray a bit of surprise.


"... why me?"

Darth Vader was surprised. He hadn't expected a child full of questions.

Of course, if I had found her sooner... She is fourteen now, after all. It's an odd time to suddenly take her from everything she's ever known.

"I am going to explain everything. You were not, as you supposed, simply a random choice. Had I been looking for any child, not one in particular, I would not have gone so far, or left my own galaxy. I have been searching for you for fourteen years."

"Fourteen years? How can that be possible, sir? I turned fourteen only the day before yesterday."

He nodded. "I know this, and I am going to explain."

"You know this? Sir, I don't understand."

He raised a hand. "Be quiet and I will explain."

She looked down again. "Sorry, sir."

He nodded. "You were hidden from your father at childbirth, after your mother's death. I have been searching for you since. Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi knight, hid you from me. He believed it would be dangerous for you to be with your father."

"You know my father, Sir?" she asked, forgetting her silence in the hope of learning of her lineage.

"They told you... nothing of him at the orphanage?"

The beautiful face that had turned up hopefully at the mention of her father looked toward the floor again.

"No, sir. Only that a young man with a beard and odd clothing brought me. They told me nothing but that."

"Lili, you are to look at me when I am talking to you, and when you are talking to me. Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir." She looked up.

"Yes, I know your father. I -"

He was interrupted by a growl from her stomach. 

"Are you hungry?"

Lili could feel the heat radiating from he face. She had been absorbed in her drawing the night before, had missed dinner and curfew, which meant she had had no breakfast this morning as punishment.

"Y-yes, sir. I'm sorry, sir."

"There is no reason to be sorry. You should have told me you were hungry."

She looked down as Vader called for a droid to bring her something.

After the droid had returned, she raised her eyes to the mask's blank face once more.

"Thanks you, Sir."

The man behind the mask watched her eat for a minute or two before continuing.

"I know your father well, Lili," he said. At the mention of her parent, Lili stopped eating and looked up.

"I am your father."

The girl swallowed, though nothing was in her mouth.

"Y-you, Sir?"

"Y-you, Sir?"

Vader's heart fell at these words. Obviously she was skeptical about him ever being a parent. And no wonder, with his strange appearance and the suit he always wore.

"Yes," he said, outwardly appearing as if nothing was wrong. "I did not always rely on this suit to live. Search your feelings, Lili Skywalker. You know the truth."

After a moment or two of silence, she looked up.

"It's hard, Sir. I don't..."

"In time," he said calmly, "You will learn to use the Force. Then you will understand."

"What force, sir? If you don't mind my asking..."

"The Force. It is everywhere, in everything, in everyone. You will understand, in time. I will train you."

His daughter looked down, and his heart fell again. After all these years...

Lili looked at her food. Somehow it didn't appeal to her anymore.

My father? He's my father? How...?

"Perhaps you need time to think."

"Yeah... perhaps." She stood. "You've given me a lot to think about, and I'm tired. It's been a long day. Maybe I'll be more open to speech in the morning. I'm sorry."

He rose as well. "As am I, but as you have said, I've given you much to think on. I will walk you to your rooms."

Lili couldn't bring herself to refuse, though she felt that the short trip would be more comfortable without Vader. Yet... a part of her was glad he had offered.

He could feel her inner conflict - part hesitancy at his statement, wanting to turn him down, part joy that he seemed to care. His blood boiled at how his child had been mistreated at that orphanage, how no one had cared enough to give her the time of day.

It must have been an odd sight - Lord Vader escorting a fourteen-year-old girl down the halls of his ship. As it turned out, he was needed, for she'd forgotten her way., He steered her by a hand on her shoulder when she didn't know which way to turn. Somehow it brought the man peace, something he had not known since his Jedi days.

At her door, he released the child's shoulder. Before she opened it, she turned to face him again.

"I really am sorry. Goodnight, Sir."

He did not respond until after her door was closed. When it shut, he sighed softly.

"Goodnight, Lili."

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