What do I do?

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Mina's P.O.V
The next day, I put on a random Arctic Monkeys Tshirt, some ripped jeans and my converse. I called Meg, Tia and Faye who came to mine, and we got my dad to drive us. We arrived before the boys so we put on our hideous bowling shoes and waited for them. They soon arrived with their girlfriends. Brad pretended to be sick as they all walked by him with their arms round their girlfriends. We hugged hello and they got their shoes on. We started bowling, which proved to be very entertaining as none of us were any good! At one point, Tris and Nikia were sitting on the bench opposite me. Tia was trying to bowl, with Brad standing with his arms wrapped round her, teaching her how to do it. Keira, Connor and Faye were chatting, while James, Jess and Meg were talking next to me. I was joining in with their conversation every now and again, but I couldn't help noticing Tristan and Nikia, curled up together. Admittedly, they were really cute together. I was looking over at them, when Tristan leaned down to her and their lips connected. His hands moved to her face as they parted and came back together. Their eyes were closed as they kept kissing for what felt like forever. It was evidently getting more passionate by the second and I suddenly felt a pang of jealousy in my chest. I didn't know what to do so I quickly got up and ran to the toilets. I ran into a cubicle and sat on the lid of a toilet, my heart pounding. I don't know why I cared?? I didn't even like Tristan in that way! Although evidently I did... We had known each other for about a month, I was really close to him and I really cared for him. As a friend. I kept replaying their kiss in my mind. They're a couple, of course they kiss!! I was overreacting. I stood up, and only then did I realise I was crying. JESUS, get a grip Mina I thought. I dried my eyes as Meg and Tia ran in. 'Mina? Mina?? Are you okay? What happened??' they asked. I came out, flushing the loo and acting as if I had just gone to the toilet. I walked over to sink as Megan asked. 'What happened Mina?? What's up???' I replied saying nothing was wrong and I had just gone to the toilet, but my voice cracked as I spoke. I looked in the mirror and it was obvious that I had been crying. This meant I had to explain. So I did and they understood. About ten minutes later, we walked out of the loos and Tristan was stood there. He wore a grey beanie and a white t-shirt with a blue denim jacket. He looked up as we walked out and started walking towards us. I didn't know where to look or what to do, but Meg and Tia left me so it was just us. I could see Nikia back at our lane, talking to Connor. Tristan was leaning on the wall, staring at me with his hands in his pockets as he said, 'what's up?'
'Oh, er, nothing, it's, um, fine' I replied. 'No.' He said, 'I can see you've been crying. You're one of my best friends, Mina, tell me what's up.' He walked over to a bench, so I followed him and we sat down. He put his hands on his knees and looked directly in my eyes. His perfect blue eyes made my heart beat faster and the way he genuinely cared about me just made him more perfect. The only problem was that he only cared for me as a friend 'It's fine.' I said, my voice cracking and a tear rolling down my cheek as his beautiful eyes looked at me worriedly. He took his beanie off and ran his hand through his hair, but I knew that there was absolutely no way I could let him know it was his fault I was upset. I quickly wiped away the tear, as I hoped he wouldn't notice. He moved closer and wrapped his arms around me, making everything worse. It wasn't his fault and he didn't realise, but it hurt so much inside. He hugged me tight and rested his chin on my head as I leant on his chest. After a while, he lifted my chin with his finger and made me look up into his eyes. Then he kissed me on the forehead and said, 'tell me.' with a look of pain in his eyes. 'I can't, Tristan, I can't. I trust you and you are one of my best friends,' I said, intertwining our fingers, 'but you have to understand that I can't tell you this one thing.' He looked at me with a hurt expression on his face before putting his beanie back on and walking out of the building, Nikia following him. Why did everything always have to go wrong? I had to just watch my crush kiss someone else and then watch my best friend walk away and there was nothing I could do that wouldn't harm our friendship. No one understands how much that hurts.

Authors Note: I seem to be getting less reads and votes as I go on.. Is the story still okay?

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