Chapter 1

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<--------- Connor Franta as Cal cause I totally picture them having the same hair ;) btw this is my first story so I hope all you pretty people enjoy it ^.^

I woke up in my bed to the sound of my phone going off. There goes my peaceful morning. I rub my eyes, roll over and answer the phone with a husky voice, "what!" I shout into my phone.
"Um this is your manager Cory..." The guy on the phone said. Cory was my manager at Banana Republic. I felt so embarrassed that I just yelled at him over the phone like an idiot. But it is like 6:00 in the morning. I need my beauty sleep to impress the boyfriend I don't have...
"Oh I'm so sorry!" I pleaded. Apparently I had to work this Sunday because my friend Ashton asked if we could switch shifts and I totally forgot!
"haha it's ok. I just wanted to make sure you were taking Ashton's place this morning?"
" Yeah totally! I'll be there around eight." I tried to sound as sweet as possible so he would pay me extra for coming in early and doing over time.
"Alright I'll see you then!" He said and hang up. I sprung outa bed and ran to my bathroom. I did my morning routine which consisted of a 30 minute long shower, brushing my teeth and fixing my hair. I towel dried my hair than put a blob of mouse in my hair and then blowed dried it. I liked the big and wavy look so it took me a little while to fix my hair but It was worth it. I put some ripped, light colored skinny jeans on and a short sleeve button up on with cute little palm trees on it and to rap it all up I threw some leather dress boots on and a thick nit cardigan because even though it's May, it's a little chilly in Chicago.
I grabbed my keys off my nightstand and threw my wallet and my phone into my back pockets and out I went. My parents were asleep because they both work night shift and my sister was probably sleepin around with her boyfriend some where. She's 21 and she's never home anymore which isn't such a bad thing because ever since I told her and my parents I was gay, she hasn't stopped trying to get me a boyfriend, which isn't such a bad thing but we have very different taste in men. I walked out onto the front porch then onto to the circle drive way. My mom and dad took up the whole garage so I had to park in the driveway.
I drove a green rag top jeep that was my dad's and it's basically my baby. I drove to the mall in the city where banana republic was and walked in. I saw my bestie Miranda in the parking lot.
" hey babe! " she ran up and tackled me with a huge hug. She has long beautiful brown hair with blonde tips and always dresses like a million bucks... Like me.
" hey hottie " I replied as I pried her body off mine. We walked into the mall together talking about lunch plans and last weeks episode of New Girl, and other girly things.
" So Cal have you had any luck with that cute guy from school?" She asked with a grinch like smile across her face. I pushed her shoulder playfully and blushed.
"No I'm too scared to text him! I mean how would you feel if one of the hottest boys from school decided to slip his number in your back pocket on the last day ! " I hissed.
She rolled her eyes and we went our separate ways through the mall. She worked at MAC makeup store across the mall from banana republic. I walked through the door and inhaled the smell of cologne and that weird smell that new denim has, and began my boring Sunday at work

Flash back to last day of school

It's the last day of junior year and I'm so done with life right now. All this crap about coming out is... Well crap. The only upside is that my parents are finally excepting me after a week of awkward silence. All my friends were totally cool, mainly because most of them are girls but even my seldom guy friends still enjoy being around me! It's the fact that the rest of the school looks at me like I'm an alien.
It's the last class of the day and I'm dying to go home and the only thing keeping me from screaming and cussing at the ceiling is the crazy hot guy sitting diagonal from me in his low rise blue jeans and a muscle fit pull over that shows of all the curves of his biceps and broad shoulders. It was everything in my power to keep from falling in his lap 'accidentally' and feeling up his toned abs he has from playing soccer. That's right he's a jock. One crazy hot jock at that.
He turned his head slightly and looked at me out of the corner of his eye. He must have felt me staring and I quickly wiped the drool off my face and played with my thumbs till he returned his gaze to the movie playing on the projector. Since it's the last day all the teachers brought movies for us to watch so we could have an easy last day.
About forty five minutes before the last bell rang I got the sudden urge to go tinkle. Yes I said tinkle because I'm a fairy and fairies don't say piss. I asked the teacher if I could go use the restroom and then quickly walked out of the room closing the door behind me. I walked into the bathroom, did my business and walked up to the sink to wash my hands. I was startled a little when the door swung open behind me and it just so happened to be Royce, the ridiculously attractive guy who sat near me in class. My eyes moved about the sink as I nervously fumbled around trying to dry off my hands. He looked at my with a cocked eyebrow and a slight smile came across his face, great now he thinks I'm psycho or something.
" you alright?" His deep slow voice caught me off guard. Shivers went down my spine as his hand touched my shoulder in a concerned manor.
" oh yeah I'm fine, just chillin in the bathroom haha" I said awkwardly and let out a nervous laugh trying to cover up how much of I dork I sounded like.
" alright then " he said with a sexy smolder on his face. His hand glided down my my shoulder to my lower back and gently lifting off right at the edge of my jeans. Did that really just happen? He went to the sink next to me and put a splash of water in hand and fixed his short cut blonde hair that complimented his gorgeous blue eyes. He caught me staring again and chuckled to himself causing me to blush. He wiped he hand on his jeans and began to walk out the door until he stopped and put his mouth right next to my ear. His warm breath on my neck sent tingles through my body.
" here's a little something incase you want to stare at me some more. " he whispered as he slowly slid a piece of paper into my back pocket and then left the bathroom. I stood in awe of what just happened and my breath staggered as I finally became aware of my surroundings again. I heard the final bell ring and students running and shouting in the hall outside the door. I turned, about to walk out of the bathroom until I reached into my back pocket and pulled out the piece of paper and un folded it. My face turned cherry red as I gazed at the note. He just slipped me his number.

Well I hope y'all liked ch 1 :D I'll have ch2 up very soon and it might have a little romance ;) idk yet but yeah hehe :)

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