Chapter 2

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<----- Alexander Ludwig as Royce because he's wow ;) and he's what I picture Royce lookin like :)

It was about time for my lunch break and Miranda keeps blowing up my phone with texts about Taco Bell. All I though about today was Royce, so I needed food to keep him off my mind. I walked down to the food court and met Miranda and my guy friend Tommy. Tommy was a lot taller than me and has dark brown, almost black hair and
Is crazy hot. I've tried to get with him but that was an embarrassing road that we shouldn't go down *girly hair flip*.

"When are you off today?" Tommy asked. I guess he was talking to Miranda because she was first to answer.

"I get off at 8! " she said in a sad tone.

" 9 o'clock " I said, not like they were asking.

" well I just wanted to know cause I'm having an after graduation party at my parents apartment in the city. They said since I'm 18, they can trust me to be responsible In my own apartment. So they won't be there!" He sounded really excited.

" clearly a bad decision..." I mumbled and glanced up from my taco salad to give him a wink. He rolled his eyes and stepped on my baby toe through my boots.

" ouch! I'm fragile!" I whined. He just laughed and so did Miranda. I gave her a mean glance.

We finished our food than said our goodbyes and went back to work. Tommy worked at the warehouse furniture store next door to the banana republic. Miranda went the opposite way through the mall so he and I were walking together by ourselves. I broke the silence and asked him a question, "why did you invite Miranda and I if its a graduation party? We're gonna be seniors next year."

"Cuase you guys are my friends and I'm a good person!" He said without looking a me.

" cool story . Now why did you really invite us." I said with some attitude. He stopped walking And turned to look at me.

" I wanted to make sure Miranda came tonight so I could tell her how I really feel about her... and I know she wouldn't go if you weren't going." He get all red in the face and playing with his hands. Awww my two besties going out together! That's kinda eww but hey, what am I gonna do.

" Awww! I can't function from the cuteness! " I said with a squeal.

"Can you be any less gay?" He rolled his eyes and walked into the furniture store. I finished my shift and got a text from tommy,

Hey the party is gonna start around 10:0o and if you can get there any sooner to help set up Id really appreciate it! I'll text you the address later

Ughh. I just got off work and he wants me to get their early! It's so hard being a good friend. I drove home as fast as I could so I could change into something a little more party worthy. I ran through the front door right into my mother. Go figure.

"Hey baby! How was work?" She said with a smile.

"fantastic, now does pink go well with navy? I'm thinking black instead of navy... Or maybe something polka dot!" I was running through the living room Jabbering like a child. I ran down the stairs to my room in the basement. I didn't like being in the basement but I had my own bathroom and walk-In closet so it was worth it. I ran into my closet and picked out a pink long sleeve button up, black slacks and a black bow tie, I went the extra mile and put on some black suspenders. I Rolled up the legs on my pants a little and then put on my pink vans. God I'm adorable. I ran back through the house and was about to go through the door until my dad stepped in front the door. I mean seriously? Why right now?

"Were are you going all dressed up?"he said with and eyebrow cocked as he looked my outfit over.

"To tommy's party"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2015 ⏰

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