walkin up to me nd chris room

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me and chris walk up the steps we walk to our bed room door chris opens our bed room door we walk in we take our shoes off then we go put our shoes into our closet then we walk out of our closet we take our clothes off we go put our clothes into our dirty clothes hamper then we go put our night clothes on then we step into our slippers then we walk out our room we walk down the steps we walk down the steps we walk into the kitchen we walk to the table or counter we walk to the table i go get two plates out of the cabnit then i go back to the table i put the plates down on to the table me nd chris get our food out of the bags we put all our food on our plates then we put all the sauces on our food then we put the empty ones we used in the bags then we do that till all of them are gone then i get the bag i throw the bags into the trash can then chris gets her plate she walks to the microwave she opens it she puts her plate in there then she puts her food on three she starts the microwave then it starts going then it stops nd she dose it again to get it extra hot but not to hot then she stops it nd she opens the micrwave door she gets her plate of food out then she walks over to the table she pulls out a chair she sits down she gets her drink then i walk to the microwave i open it i put my plate of food in there then i close the micrwave i put my food on three minutes then i start it i stand back then i open the microwave i take my food out then i close it i walk to the table i sit down i get my drink i bless my food chris blesses her food then we start eating our dinner then we drink our drinks then we get up nd clear the table then we go wash our plates then we get our plastic cups nd we throw them in the trash then we walk out of the kitchen chris cuts the lights out we walk to the steps we walk up the steps we walk into our bed room chris closes our bed room door we step out of our slippers me we going shooping for prego clothes for you nd we going shooping for the baby chris ok hun we walk to our bed we pull our covers back we get into our bed we cover up we lay on our pillows we cover up really good i lean over i kiss chris fourhead she kisses my lips me chris we need to pick a name nd four middle names nd a nickname nd two last names ok chris turns to face me ok huh mm oo i got it serenity eliana megara eleanor payton stevenson brown nick name princess tiana me i like it ok chris yep i like it too me and chris go to sleep

me and chris walk up the steps we walk to our bed room door chris opens our bed room door we walk in we take our shoes off then we go put our shoes into our closet then we walk out of our closet we take our clothes off we go put our clothes into o...

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