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In the country of Adrastea, there are people who are gifted with peculiar abilities called Arigials, split into the categories of Hero and Villain.

And in the Town of Melchior, in the middle of a forest, is a battle between a hero and a villain.

"Attack those pesty creatures. They're in the way!" Cephalius orders the soldiers. They follow the words of the Hero. Charging towards the giant creatures that are surrounding the crystal of Agrona. Acantha swiftly dodges the vines, advancing towards the center where the crystal lies.

As Acantha was able to pass through a creature, she was interrupted by a dark spike nearly peircing her. She stepped back and watched as the spike continues towards a soldier, one in the brink of death due to injuries.

The thorn softens, becoming a vine that wrapped aroung the soldier and pulls it towards the source. When Acantha faced the source, she scowled.

"Is it your daily goal to meddle with our business," She points her knife towards the person, "Kreios?"

"More like a pastime," he smirks, his half-mask hiding his right eye.

Kreios gestures his hand towards his right, where the same shadow thorns quickly appear, blocking the attack made by Cephalius.

Cephalius discreetly glances at Acantha, giving her a signal to continue. He uses his ability to levitate and launch himself towards Kreios. Kreios easily blocks Cephalius' hits with his shadows. Irking Cephalius by gripping his sword and pulling it, causing him to lose his posture and turn upside-down.

"You bore me." Kreios shakes his head. He catches Acantha sneaking towards the crystal, dodging vines and thrown bodies. In the distance, the sound of the trumpets used by soldiers is heard.

"Tch." Kreios pushes Cephalius away before running towards Acantha. He swiftly grips her wrists and pulls her away from the crystal.

"Let go of me yoー" Acantha struggles to free herself from Kreios' grip. She tries to kick him when suddenly, they are surrounded by darkness.

She continues fighting Kreios. But he was irritated by her restlessness and covers her mouth with his hand, using a spell to put her to sleep.

Acantha couldn't resist and felt herself slowly succumbing to the darkness.

Acantha slowly opened her eyes, surveying her surroundings. She found the soldiers she fought with, who are lying on the floor. She saw two men carrying a body and slowly putting it down with the rest.

"What the hell are you doing with them?!" Acantha tries to stand up, but fails when she realizes she is tied onto a chair. She thrashed in hopes of breaking the chains, but to no avail.

"Stay still, you'll end up hurting yourself." A woman speaks up from beside Acantha. She turns her head to sea a woman with braided black hair, which reaches the bottom of her spine. The hood of her cape is put down, revealing her piercing violet eyes.

"Who are you?" Acantha's eyes turns into slits.

"I'm afraid the only information I can reveal to you is my name," she turns to face me, "which is Esther."

"Esther." Acantha repeats, furrowing her eyebrows as she recalls where she has heard that name before. "The Archer?"

Esther replies with a small smile. Acantha's eyes widens, clenching her fists to prevent herself from shaking.

In front of her is The Archer, a villain who is known for killing her targets with one arrow. Acanta felt cold, thinking of what is going to happen to her, now that she is in the presence of Villains.

Esther sighs. "Worry not, I am only here to inform you that you will be taken to the Master's Chamber," she points toward a man with crimson red hair, "by Onyx."

Onyx turns his head to them upon hearing his name, contrasting his crimson red hair is his ocean blue eyes. He nods at the other man before walking towards Acantha.

"I'll be removing the chains from the chair, but not from you. Remain still so you won't get hurt," he says in a monotone voice.

Acantha felt the chains loose from the chair, but instantly wraps around her arms. Her eyebrows furrowed as she realizes that instead of her fighting attire, she is wearing a long-sleeved white dress that hugs her waist and flows all the way above her ankles, and the fact that she's now barefoot confuses her.

"Where's...where's my attire?" She faces Onyx, but he doesn't answer and instead pulls her towards a long, narrow, dark hallway.

She doesn't fight because the chains will only hurt her wrist. At the end of the hallway lies a tall ang slim door. Onyx knocks three times before pushing the door and letting go of the chains.

But instead of the chains falling to the floor, it flies inside the room, taking Acantha with it. Acantha gasped when the door behind her closes. She felt someone holding the end of the chain. She slowly turned her head, narrowing her eyes at the figure she sees hidden in the shadows.

"Well, well, look who finally woke up."

She froze upon hearing the voice that sends chills down her spines.

"Don't be frightened." Kreios slowly steps up from the dark, revealing his smirk and emerald green eye, "I'm only going to ask you some questions."

Acantha clenches her jaw, thinking how Kreios has the audacity to ask her questions as if he didn't just kidnapped her.

"What if I don't answer?" She challenges.

"Hmm," Kreios harshly pulls the chain, causing Acantha to stumble in front of him. He holds and lifts her chin, looking directly into her eyes. "Then I'll kill all the soldiers."

Rage fills Acantha, but she knows she would never risk the lives of people. She is at the leasy relieved that they are alive.

"So?" Kreios tilts his head, "What will it be, Acantha?"

Acantha's breath hitches as he says her name. The choice is now up to her. She takes a deep breath before answering,

"Okay, ask away."


DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction. Any names, character, place, events, and incidents are products of the author's imagination.

Any resemblance to a person, place or event is purely coincidental.

: Haruki-chan <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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