The Sixth Floor Window

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I had been living in an apartment in a 7 floor building. I was on the sixth floor. It was around my fourth year of renting this place.
I didn't know my neighbors in the building, I had probably spoken to only ten but I never remembered their faces.
Anyway, I was coming home from a tiring day at work and decided to go to bed early. At one point during the night I woke up and looked up at my window. I saw a woman 's face. She was stiff and was just staring at me. I was obviously confused and terrified. I dared not get up, in hope that she wouldn't know I was awake. I sometimes peeked over my shoulder, she was there a long time but eventually vanished. I didn't sleep that night. As soon as sunlight was visible I got up and shut my blinds. I quickly got ready and sped off to work, where it felt safe. I texted my family and friends who were obviously worried sick. I stayed extra hours and tried to get a someone to spend the night with me. Thankfully, my friend, Louis, agreed to stay with me. Nothing happened that night, as if that woman knew when I was alone. I spent the next night alone but to my wonderful suprise nothing happened. The fourth night, I was feeling brave again and lifted the blinds a little. I opened my eyes and to my horror... She was there. That godamm lady was there staring at me! I was paralyzed. It felt as if I would die if I were to move. I took out my phone and texted my friend
"Dude.. The woman I told you about is at my window again!"
I waited during what felt like forever until I heard a little ding, my friend had replied
"I will call the cops."
I thanked him and looked at the woman, I dared not blink. I was panicking because I would have to get up and she would see me. I stayed motionless until I heard the cops 's siren. I ran out of my building, telling them in a panic what had happened. When we got to my room she was gone. I felt humiliated and scared.
"She was there, I swear!"
The police told me to keep an eye out and to have them notified if something happened again. They said that they couldn't take any action for now.
I sobbed quietly during the rest of the night. I shut my blinds and promised myself I would never open them until the police had caught that woman.
The next night was horrible, you see, there was a little space between each blind which meant you could see a tiny bit outside. Well sure enough, she was there. And she didn't leave, I cried uncontrollably asking myself why I was her target, what I had done to deserve this. But a loud scream broke the silence. It was coming from downstairs. I rushed to the fith floor and saw my neighbor panicked, on the edge of tears. She told me she had called police because she had spotted someone's feet outside her window. J asked km a slow voice
"Have you already seen them?"
She told me no, that she had woken up and saw legs hanging outside the window.

The police arrived and we both said what we had seen, they quietly marched up to the top floor, since we had both seen her maybe the neighbors on the seventh floor had witnessed something.
Instead of seeing the police calmly bring down someone, they had handcuffed a man.
I asked intrigued what had happened and a police officer answered me.
The woman I saw was my neighbor from the seventh floor, and this man had murdered her, hang her corpse on a rope and lowered the body down to the next level. He added that the man in question was a regular customer in her store, who had been stalking her. I looked up at the man's face and realized with horror that I had seen that man around my work environment for the past few days...

A few months later I finally moved out but this experience has scared me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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