How Does This Work?

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Hi! So as promised, I would explain what was happening in the last chapter. So basically, Aizawa, Tsukauchi and Izuku are in an interrogation room. I'm not gonna say how they got there so dont ask. From what I can remember from all of the cop shows I watch, and y'know, common sense, there are audio/visual cameras in there too. What you read was their conversation before he escaped like a badass. Also, any tips or critiques would be appreciated. I dont know if I can write fights or anxiety scenes yet. So uh.. let me know.



Discomfort. Aching. Burning. Sore.

'...what?' Dim light pores in through blurry horizontal slits only to disappear a second later.

'..Where... am I...?' The same light cycles  in and out again. His senses are coming back to him. The ground beneath him is coarse and rough. He can feel its pattern imprinting on his skin.

'-its sand' his mind supplies. 'But why is there sand?' Hes so confused. His mind is still foggy with exhaustion- but something happened. He knew it.

He opens his eyes again. Fighting the urge to lie back down, he looked around.

A confused expression crawled it's way onto his face. There, next to him was a fridge. And upon further inspection, he appeared to be on a beach. What he was not accounting for were the massive piles of trash accumulated around him. How in the heck did he get to Dagobah Beach?! Honestly, it was a miracle he wasnt crushed in his sleep!

He checked himself for injuries. He had most likely just gotten away from Kacchan and passed out from exhaustion. That sounds about right- it wouldn't have been the first time that had happened. They most likely chased him all the way out here and then left when he lost them.

After a quich self checkup, he'd found some expected Kacchan-Burns, and bruises. He also had a few glass cuts from the broken glass around him. They weren't too deep- he really only needed to worry about one or two, what with them being deeper than the rest. Still, he vowed to clean the sand and glass out of them as soon as possible.

Now he needed to remember something.. Anything!! When did he get here? How did he get here? Why is he here? He needs to- oh...

It all came rushing back.


All Might.




Swan dive off the roof of a building.


Why would Katsuki do that? Why would All Might say that? Why did Endeavor kill my mom?!

"Im... all alone now. Katsuki wants me dead. Im only holding back society. My home is rubble... i have nowhere to go." He thought out loud. Tears finally broke, traveling down his battered and wounded face. His skin stung where salty tears met with rashes marring his once clear skin.

'What am i gonna do now' he thought sadly. As much as he wanted to sit on this trashy beach and sob, he knew that he would eventually need to figure something out.

'I could look for a hero.' No

'Ask someone for help?' Why would they help someone like you?


He couldn't think of anything wrong with them. Now that he'd thought about it, he hasnt ever talking to an officer. What if theyre just as bad as him?

"I-I cant think about that right now" he shakily reassures himself. I need to get help. Midoriya haphazardly wipes his tear streaked face, hissing when sand was rubbing into his cuts.

Time skip- 10 minutes

The sun is setting. Midoriya can be seen staggering down the street. Theres a small limp in his step- not too bad but just enough to be seen by someone if they looked for it. No one did.

He counts himself lucky that his mom made him remember where emergency  places are. At least someone in his family had a brain.... mom.. every little thing reminds him of her. Why do the city lights look like the Christmas tree lights we always hung?

"Its should be about one more block" he said aloud, more of a reassurance than a statement. People are staring yet no one moves to help.

He can see the lights from the station. A small handful officers stand vacantly outside. Slow night i guess..

A man is there with them. Hes not an officer. That much is obvious. He seems to be homeless going off of his appearance. Scraggly. Unkempt. His clothes dont fit. Tired. But at the same time, he seems put together.

*le gasp* the child perks up. 'What if hes a SPY' "thatd be so flipping cool."

The "spy's" eyes (that rhymed. Im such a poet) flickered up at the tiny voice before widening. 'Oh crap i did it again'

Muttering. The bane of his existance. Well... one of them.

A gravly voice cut through the humid air, interrupting his not-so inner dialogue. "HEY KID ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!!" It was Mr. Spy. He was running toward the kid with the two officers close behind. He sounded... concerned? But why would this stranger be concerned about me?

Before he knew it, this mystery man was kneeling in front of him. Checking for any visible wounds before picking him up swiftly yet gently and rushing him to the station.

Time skip- after questioning

Mr. Spy had to leave. He was called off to do hero things.


They kept asking him what had happened. Why was he hurt. How did he get here? Where are his parents?

He cant take it. Cant these people just help me? If they want to help me, then why are they asking me thses question? I dont get it!

In another room

"He wont give us anything. Its been 2 hours. We dont know what to do! Either hes homeless or abuse! How else would you get those injuries? Broken ribs, glass cuts, early infection?" The officers at the station were stumped. This kid wouldnt let them help.

"Well like you said, hes either homeless or in an abusive one. Normally we would do a house visit.. but.. i think its best if we put him in the foster system," One of the men said. "At least until we get some more information. God knows we cant just send him back out onto the streets!" He continued.

"Alright. I guess so."

Back with Sad Child

'To heck with forster care! Id rather die!' He thought angrily as he booked it down the street. Angry tears flew off his head.

"If no one else is going to help, ill just have to do it myself."

Next Day

Just yesterday, there was a great loss. While Pro Hero Endeavor was chasing down a villain, who is yet to be named, an apartment complex was caught in the crossfire(hehe). 14 people were injured. Unfortunately, one person was killed in this horrible accident. Furthermore, one Midoriya Izuku has not been found and is presumed to be dead. Please, if you have any information, or have seen Mr. Midoriya, call this number.


(A.N- hey yall! Sorry i havent published anything lately. I actually forgot about this. Thanks for your patience ig)

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