Chapter 2

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Jiaqi POV

It's been almost a month since sunrui and xiaotang got so much closer. And I still don't know who's kong xueer, I always forgot to ask my friends about that. 

Anyways, I made new friends and I didn't expect that. My new friends are Keni, Yuxin, Aurora, Xiaotang, and my seatmate Lingzi. Lingzi and I are always together to the point that Yangyuzhuo got jealous. But I already explained it to her. Not her being so close to Xiaotang's cousin, Zhao Yue. I often see them together tho.

"Yow jiaqi, come on let's have lunch together with xiaotang" Sunrui suddenly appeared beside me. Xiaotang, again.

"What's with you and xiaotang huh? And who's Kong Xueer?" I asked her because I'm dying to know.

"I already told you right?"

"You just told me that it's just because of Kong xueer that's all"

"Yes, because of kong xueer"

"Who is kong xueer? You're not answering my question sunrui."

"Okay I'll let you know later"

"Okay fine" Geez why it is so hard for her to tell me? 

Is Kong xueer is her crush? Girlfriend? Friend? I want to meet that Kong Xueer. 

So now we're going to the rooftop? I thought we're going to have lunch with xiaotang? Why are we here?

"Hey, I thought we're going to have lunch with xiaotang?" I asked her when she's about to open the door.

"Yes, we're going to have. Why?"

"Then why are we here?" 

"We're going to have lunch with xiaotang here, jiaqi you're so dumb," She said before opening the door and shouts "Xiaotang" loudly. 

Then there's xiaotang who's laughing at sunrui's antics. There are two girls who's talking to each other and I'm not familiar with them.

But they're both beautiful. No scratch they're a goddess. 

"Jiaqi sit down already so you can eat." Sunrui pulling me. I didn't know I'm standing for too long now. 

We started to eat and I can't stop stealing glances to this girl. I like how she eats because she's so cute. 

"So yeah let me introduce to you, this is my friend Xu Jiaqi," Sunrui said and the two girls look at me then smiled. 

"Nice to meet you jiaqi! I'm Yu shuxin and you can call me Esther!" 

"Hi, I'm Kong xueer, nice to meet you" 

So she's Kong xueer? 

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