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Izuku s pov
I woke up to the sound of shouting and laughter, and then more shouting. Whoever it was sounded really mad, I groaned and sat up taking a moment to look down at the bruise on my back I got from hero training yesterday.

It wasn't like it hurt much compared to other injuries I've gotten but it was annoying either way.

The shouting intensified downstairs and the laughter was gone so I decided to go downstairs and see what all the fuss was about. Knowing everyone in the dorm I guessed it was Kacchann. Yeah it was probably definitely him I decided as I got out of bed and went to go change into something other than my pyjamas.

Katsuki's pov
I shouted at the half and half bastard in front of me who just smirked at me and continued pouring milk into his cereal.

That made me even more mad. How dare he just ignore me, does he think he's better than me? Once I got out of shitty hair's tight hold I would so wipe that smirk off his stupid face. Suddenly I was flipped onto the couch making me more angry. I was gonna strangle the guy who... Shitty hair's face appeared in my vision looking at me with an exasperated expression.

"Seriously Bakubro LISTEN to us"
He said
Listen? I thought, I didn't even realise they were talking.
I rolled my eyes at him deciding to let icyhot live today. Lucky for him, I would've squashed him like a bug if I wasn't feeling so forgiving.

I sat up and looked around the room inspecting the damage I had done.
There were a few chairs on their sides and the coffee table was at the other side of the room.

As I scanned my surroundings a short boy with green hair and emerald green eyes came down the stairs in an oversized hoodie.

As he came in floaty girl and jet engine walked over to him talking quietly to each other. Deku yawned and made a soft whining noise as he stretched both of his arms up in the air. The yawn surprised me, he looked almost kinda sweet?

I cursed myself for thinking like that pushing down the feelings that weren't there in the first place because I didn't like guys I didn't like deku......
Not one little bit.

Izuku s pov
As I walked into the room I started to yawn and  I stretched my arms into the air trying to relieve some of the stiffness in them. Then I saw Uraraka and Iida. Happy to see them I walked towards them and said hi. They both looked to me and started talking to me about an idea they had come up with.

"I was thinking that everyone should get together tonight after classes and we could all play some games."
Ururaka explained.
"Yes!" Iida chimes in
"I thought it would be a good experience to get the whole class a little more at ease with being in dorms together!"
He said.

That's a GREAT idea I said happily. It would definitely be good if we could all relax a bit and just hang out together, I thought to myself.

I heard a growl from behind me and I spun around to see who was there.
"Oh.... hi Kacchann"
I said awkwardly.
"Move it will ya"
He replied angrily

I realised I was blocking the door and immediately began to move out of the way but Kachann pushed me aside roughly and walked through with Kirishima who looked at me apologetically before being told to hurry up.

"I don't understand why you let him treat you like that"

I said snapping out of my trance.

Uraraka said again

"Oh no Kachann is actually not so bad anymore"
I said telling the truth as he no longer told me to jump off buildings anymore I thought.
Was that an improvement? Oh well I would take it as one.

~🍪time skip to after lessons🍪~

Bakugou's pov
I was in my room with nothing to do but stare blankly at my phone. It was weird but I kinda missed shitty hair and pinky and funny elbows and dumb face when they weren't around.

I mean when they were there all I wanted was to get away but when I wasn't around them it just got so boring. I immediately regretted this thought though when shitty hair came into my room saying they were going to play some dumb game downstairs as a class.

I shrugged at him and told him to have fun, hoping that if I did he would just leave me alone but of course it wasn't gonna be that easy.

He moaned

"What is it shitty hair?"
I said giving him a death stare
Apparently he had a death wish because he continued.

"Bakubro everyone is going to be there you need to come"
He whined like a pathetic child

I groaned a fine and made my way towards the door, I was gonna go but I was gonna make sure he knew I wasn't happy about it.

If you have read all this then thank you so much😊
This is my first story on here so I am so happy if you enjoyed it!

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