A Dream and a Nightmare

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Kachann's pov
What was I thinking?
I thought as I hurtled you the stairs to get to my room.

I shouldn't of played their stupid game with them, I should've just left them to it. Of course Pinky would go and choose that of all things!

Did she think I was GAY?
Cause I'm not, I don't care about anyone in that way, much less Izuku.

I shouted to no one in particular accenting each word by hitting my pillow against my bed. Shit, I thought, I have to be careful, otherwise my quirk might start to activate and I did not feel like destroying my room today.

I had to go and cool down.

I quietly opened the door to my room and walked down the stairs determined that if anyone saw me they would just see the same angry kid as always. It was quite easy to get to the bottom of the stairs but barring my way to the front door was the last person I wanted to see. Izuku was in the kitchen making some ramen.

Honestly of course he was up at this time of night. Always getting in the way.

I decided just to walk past him completely nonchalant. That would get him to understand that the dare was just that a dare. And I didn't care one bit.

Izuku's pov
I had gotten really hungry in the middle of the night and decided on going downstairs to make a midnight snack.

I was making some ramen when I heard a grunting noise and I got startled, yelping and dropping the metal spoon I was holding, which made a loud clanging noise as it hit the floor.

I looked up, slightly embarrassed, until I saw who had made the noise that caused me to drop my spoon.
It was Kachann.

"Oh uh hi Kachann, you startled me."
I stammered

"I can see that."
He said but almost softy, it was weird, I had never heard him use that kind of tone before.
He stared at me for a little while before going slightly red.

Then he looked annoyed, I immediately started to back away. Aware that his mood was dangerously angry right now and that one small thing could push him over the edge completely.

"I'll just go to bed now."
I said edging my way round the walls of the room.

"Ye just leave"
He said
He sounded angry but halfway through his tone changed to rejected and sad. I had definitely never heard him like this before.
Was he okay?
Before I could ask him what was up he started making his way to the front door.

"Where are you going"
I called after him wondering why he was going outside at this time at night.

"I just need some fresh air."
He paused
"Because otherwise I'm going to end up blowing your head off your shoulders"
He smirked
Okay that was more like Kachann.

"Okay then," I said, still slightly worried.

Why did I say goodnight? I could've left it at okay and then he wouldn't kill me! I braved myself for impact
But nothing came.
I looked at up from behind my arms, expecting an explosions to the face. But Kachann was just smirking at me. Almost like he was asking me why I said something so stupid.

"Goodnight nerd."
He almost whispered.

Kachann's pov
I was tied to a chair in the corner of a pitch black room. Straining to see against the gloom I saw a dark blue sludge oozing it's way towards me. Once it got close enough it started to slowly rise up and take the twisted shape of a human then it started to define its features.
Before too long what stood in front of me was my mother.

"We hate you Katsuki."
She said sneering at him.

"Me and your father! you are nothing but a disgusting gay freak, a disgrace to our family!"
Suddenly she melted and reformed. This motion more fluid than the last. It was his childhood friend a chubby boy with demon wings.

"Katsuki? Do you LIKE Midoriya. You do know that means your gay right? And being gay is soooo bad like ew who would like someone if the same sex?"

I tried to tell him that I wasn't gay that I hated the thought of it.
But no sound came out of my mouth, I was just left there making different shapes with my mouth.

Then Pinky and Spiky hair and funny elbows and spark plug appeared.

"We hate you Bakugou, we thought you were a person we could be friends with but after this?
How could we be friends with you if you are kissing dudes in your spare time?"

All there deformed faces were staring at him from out of the shadows

"What's wrong with you Katsuki?"
they all chorused.

"You're broken. Why do you have these feelings?. You know how bad they are!"

All the voices merged into one and they all became one person.

Deku was in front of him but everything seemed wrong about him, his smile was too wide and his eyes looked crazed.

"If everyone knew who you really were. No one would care for you."
Deku said to me.
"You think I would ever love you?"

"All I think about when I see you, is hatred and disgust!"

I woke up screaming.
Shit I thought, there were tears streaming down my face. I am so weak, I wonder if anyone heard that, hopefully not.

What would they think of me if they heard me screaming to myself in my sleep.

I cursed myself for my own stupidity.
I was acting like a five year old. Spooked out by a nightmare! PATHETIC!

I paced around my room for a while to shake off my nerves then I got back into bed and put the covers fully over my head. After a while spent silently cursing and scolding myself I managed to fall back into a dreamless slumber.


This chapter was a bit dramatic but I feel as if I pulled it off pretty well.

Honestly things like this leave me pretty shaken up because I know that people in the world do actually go through stuff like this.

I have a lot of plans for this story now so expect updates quite soon!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2020 ⏰

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