EREN. {8}

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That tough day was only going to get worse, of course it was, it's life. The worse part was that I let myself relax despite knowing full well good things never last long enough, only enough to have you longing for more.

After successfully taking down the titans everyone began to get their hopes up, some cadets even cheered, saying they would survive this after all. And I'm sure- now don't quote me on this, but I'm sure I even heard some cadets get their hopes so far up their asses they said that they now believed that humans had a chance against the beasts. I ignore as much chatter as I possibly could, caring little to none, I continue to fill the gas tanks and replenish my blades. I finished among a few others and headed upstairs to wait on the others. I quietly looked at all the titans who had fallen victim of the strange abnormal. Not that I'm complaining whatever helps me fill through orders successfully. Footsteps get closer from behind causing me to turn and see who was causing them. my shoulders loosen when I notice it's Mikasa. I spin on my heel as she stops in front of my smaller figure.

"Mikasa...I apologise for not fulfilling my promise. I thought it'd be best to come and get you but I realise now that my choice wasn't as full proof as I thought." I tried to express my sincerest apology as best as I could but I couldn't bring the sadness to my head to make it sound sincere I was like a broken music box, no matter how much you turn the nob no music comes despite the little ballerina who continues to spin.

-Author Pov-

Mikasa took in your apology uneasily and uncertain. There was a part of her that could tell you were trying and being genuine. But the doubt of your attitude and your stature like face mixed her emotions. Despite this she shakes her head quietly and puts her head down, disappointed in herself, knowing she had placed a big burden on you for asking of such things. It wasn't your job to baby sit eren. Nor was it hers but she thought it was in her eyes. "It's alright Y/n. Don't burden yourself with it. It was a big and difficult promise to keep...I'll wait outside on top of that roof." And with that the ravenette set out to do as she said she would.

You watch as she activated her gear and gracefully flew off with a heavy heart.

Boredly you lean against the wall and slide down it, one leg pulled up against your chest the other laid down, your knee bent inward. When you did get rare moments like these, just silence and some alone time your mind actually drifted to Erwin and how he was doing without you there. Was he going to realise he didn't need you any longer? You know the day will come. It's the same as all dolls. A new, better model is brought to the market and the old ones are tossed into the trash. Not that you were sad you just wondered what your life would be when you are eventually replaced by a new, improved doll.

That...captain...what ever his name is. He seemed very well liked. And the fact that you recognised him made you extremely confused. Who the hell was he and why was he so well liked? He didn't seem very nice but it seemed Hanji liked him? Sighing you closed your eyes, listening to the chatter of the other cadets. They're voices were so cheerful and full of hope. You had a feeling it wouldn't last long and your heart might be frozen but you aren't one to tell others to stop being happy. Not that you wouldn't crush their dreams if you knew it was definitely not going to happen.

Eren...His dream didn't come true.

"C'mon everyone! Let's go end this!!"


With that the sound of gas and cheering cadets began as everyone exited the building, full gass and blades. Ready to take on the world. Together. Slowly you stood from your place and opened your eyes, following Armin out when he suddenly stops and stares. You follow his line of eyesight to see Mikasa standing on a roof, staring at something on the other side of the building. Setting off your gear, you head over to the ravenette, detaching your hooks after words as you walk toward her, a few others following behind. "What's happening. Why are you standing here like a fish out of water?" You look at her face. Her mouth is agape and she looks almost horrified so you follow her eyesight and blink.

For fuck sake.

The abnormal from previous, lay against the opposite building looking sorry for himself as he's being chewed on by his on kind. You scoffed "never in my life did I think this would be a sight I would see." You grumble "what a waste of time and hopes."

"Cannibalism?" Armin also seemed to stare in our horror and slight disgust.

"I don't think he can regenerate..." Mikasa mumbled, staring. She sounded sad causing you to scoff slightly. As big of a help as the Titan would have been, it's just a Titan. There's a chance you could come across another like this but until then you knew most here were very capable of taking care of themselves, including you. You didn't need what your supposed to be fighting against helping you. Besides, fighting fire with fire normally ends in tragedy...

"She's right." You turn to Reiner a little confused. You must have spaced out, guessing Mikasa had said something. Again you could probably guess what it was "it's too valuable to just let die. We could learn from him and it would be a big plus to mankind against the titans."-

Turning away from the conversation, disinterested you watch as the Titan is picked apart by its own kind, they're arguing about wether to save it but by the time they're done arguing it will have been dead, debating jumping in yourself to save the Titan while those idiots argue you hear a small gasp behind you as Armin runs to your side at the edge of the roof "isn't that-"

You nod. "The one that killed Thomas." You finished his sentence and stared as it made its way toward the feast the other Titans were having only to double back in surprise as the abnormal that was being chewed on spring to life, the glow in its eyes seemed to replenish as it sprinted toward it, the other titans hanging on by their teeth for dear life, but with no luck as the abnormals arms ripped from their sockets, taking the titans attached with them.

But the abnormal continued to run and even turned his body in an awkward way, latching onto to Thomas' killer.

By the neck with its mouth.

So now it has intelligence? Fantastic. You sigh quietly as the rest stare in shock and horror. Slowly the Titan lifts its head, lifting the other Titan in its mouth with it, the exposed ribs that were on display due to the lack of skin that was probably ripped off by the smaller titans, snapped but it remained completely unfazed as it started to swing around the titans in its mouth like a bat, taking out other titans that ran toward it, almost killing them all in an instant. It yells almost victoriously as the others began to bring up hope again.

But that faltered the minute it fell to its knees then down further to its face, almost exhausted. The steam started to emit from it as it began to disintegrate "we'll so much for that...let's leave c'mon." Jean turned to walk off but stopped when he realised no one moved, including you "hey! C'mon! A Titans a Titan."

You didn't even hear him. Even your heart was going 100 mph as a watched a figure emerge from the nape

And an all too familiar one at that. The minute you recognised him you set off toward the steaming Titan, nearly tripping as you landed, you were just behind Mikasa who seemed to realise who it was too, as he was closer to her you hung back slightly in respect and just stared as she mounted the mountain of steaming skin, clinging to Eren for dear life. Sobbing so hard she began to find it hard to breathe.

You run your gloved fingers through your H/C hair as you continue to just watch in utter shock and confusion.




He's alive?...

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2022 ⏰

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