"Listening for that angel choir. You got nowhere to run"Chapter 1

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"Well well well, it seems that I got my hands free now." The well-muscled female smiled holding up her hands that were tied together. A man with long hair smiled as the other people in the room gasped with shock.
"I was never into being tied up." She shook her head her lips turning upwards.

"Can we keep her?" A blonde asked intently as she looked at the rest of the people in the room.

"No!" The man with long hair said. He shifted uncomfortably when everyone looked at him.
"I can't afford to lose her." He muttered. The muscled woman walked over to him,

"You only wish it was that hard." She turned to look at the main man, who was a bit bigger than the rest of them.
"Well, Nate? Do you guys get to keep me?" The man who the muscled female asked blinked and smiled. The rest of the team behind him smiled.

"Ready to provide Leverage, officially?" He asked putting out his hand. The brown-haired girl reached for his hand and shook it.

"For once I want to do good in my life."


"ACK! Commander! I've been shot in the shoulder!" Elisa screamed as she fell back onto the ground from the impact. She looked at her shoulder as blood oozed into her army uniform. She picked up some of the mud from the ground and packed it on.

"Ferns, backdown!" The commander said through the comms. He was on the other side of the field. He was filthy with mud and dirt but he was still clean from bullets. Elisa shook her head gaining wind again,

"Commander I may be a woman but a bullet doesn't take me down." Elisa kinda snickered. There was an audible mumble of curse words from the Commander.

Elisa had enlisted into the army right when she turned 18. She had some barriers to knock down but she managed to work her way into the Army Compartmented Element (ACE). She never backed down and always managed to do better than better. She ensured anything she did was perfection in everyone's eyes because wanting to grow in the army meant you had to stand your ground. Elisa lost her family when their town had been bombed, she was out of town with one of her friends but when they came home they saw the destruction. Most bodies were found and had a proper burial but Elisa's family was one of the ones who never were found. Her friend's family offered to take her in but they were refused since the parents were constantly bickering even in the interview. So Elisa was sent into the foster care system. Always managing to make everyone who fostered her miserable, meaning she was not even accepted to be adopted. That was the way the young solider wanted it. No distractions. That's why she was also sterilized when she turned 17. She managed to weave through the system to get the appointment even though so many people fought her. A skill she had was getting what she wanted when she put her mind to it.

Elisa got back up and folded into her sniper position. She saw the Commander advancing with his small pack. She managed to keep them safe as they went into the building. What the brown-haired soldier didn't know was that since the sound was so loud, someone snuck up on her. A male soldier of their own lifted his gun silently. Elisa didn't notice.


Elisa stopped shooting and turned.


She looked at her stomach and then behind the man. She had been hiding young children up on top of the roof of the building since they were innocent beings who didn't deserve to be in the war.


The children's screams were silent to her since her ears rung. Her body began to feel cold. They were in the middle of a desert. She shouldn't be cold.

"ELISA!" The Commander shouted. Everything was in slow mode for her now. The Commander somehow made his way to the roof. She saw the two soldiers who made an advance on her. The Commander ran over to her examining the three gunshot wounds in her abdomen.

"Eliot?" Elisa asked as she felt herself slipping away. She squinted her eyes to see him clearly. No tears brimmed her eyes.

"Eliot I failed." She whispered. The Commander, Eliot, shook his head as he pulled her to the safety of the small walls of the building,

"No, you did everything right. Come on Solider you have never given up so don't now." He demanded. Eliot began to shake a bit as he pulled her dog tags from her shirt to check them,
"I will get you to base." He read the dog tags. He noticed the lack of religion and important medical items.

"Hey Eliot, will you take care of Zyne?" Elisa asked smiling. Zyne was the German Shepherd she was issued when she was deployed elsewhere and the young dog had stayed with her, kinda being the troop's support animal.

"No, you will! I am getting y-" Eliot started to ramble moving Elisa slowly so their heads wouldn't become targets.

Elisa closed her eyes and everything went silent and black.


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Reviewed: 1 Time

Hey guys I know I start stories and then end them right away. I have hope for this story since I am re-watching Leverage.

Song, in the beginning, is Solider by Fleurie

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