afterwards 2011

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all 6 of the friends were all at courtney and shayne's apartment "so all she want's to do is have sex with me" damien said "pff crazy bitch" shayne sarcasticlly said taking another sip of his water. "well just tell her that it's not gonna work out and that you don't want to see her anymore" courtney said "but that's the thing i like the sex" "ok then here tell her this straight to her face,i don't love you but do you still want to have sex every night" shayne said sarcasticlly "work's every time" shayne said "ok i will infact go do that" damien said getting up and walking out "oh honey he is definitly gonna kill you"courtney said "yeah and that's why you guy's are leaving and going into damien's house and he ask's tell him we're having sex" shayne said kicking them out
courtney and shayne are watching tv on the couch "shayne open up" damien said "crap uh courtney start moaning" shayne whispered "sh-" "oh shayne bloody hell" courtney moaned "sorry buddy can't right now" "your lucky this time" damien said walking away from the door "and that honey is why i love you" shayne said as courtney smiled at him

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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