straight into it

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i know this ends before the song but please listen to the song and try understand it. Honestly , what is america?

 Honestly , what is america?

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try to understand my words. try to spread the word. try to care more🖤✊🏿

ahmaud arbery. breonna taylor. george floyd. nina pop. brendon gien. jamar clark. tarika wilson. gregory gunn. alton sterling. stephon clark. jamee johnson. maurice granton. sandra bland. sad thing is, that's not even the end of the list. the list of innocent black lives that got taken away for no reason. there are thousands of black people who get murdered just for being black because apparently they're " threats ". how many more killings need to take place in order for you to open your eyes. ahmaud arbery was a 25 year old man who was completely innocent. he was on a jog when he got shot by travis michael and his father gregory. this happened on february 23rd 2020 but in order for justice to be served a video had to be posted online. the video where we all witness the horrible murder of ahmaud. ahmaud didn't deserve this. he had a whole life ahead of him. he was called a " threat " but he didn't even do anything. why can a white man go on a jog with a tv in his hands but not be called suspicious. it's because of racism. it's because of white privilege. i'm not even done yet. on 13th March 2020 breonna taylor, an emergency medical technician (emt) was shot 8 times and died in her own apartment. she was shot by louisville metro police department officers. the officers didn't even knock. the search should have been called off anyways because the suspect had already been arrested. there were no drugs even found in her apartment. she probably came home with the intention to rest after saving multiple lives in the middle of a pandemic. she was risking her live everyday by saving people, by curing people and by protecting people. but instead she had hers taken away for no reason at all. she was completely innocent but the officers were too racist. they assumed because she's black she's the suspect. racism has made many officers blind. george floyd was a 46 year old man who was accused of forging a cheque. this innocent man didn't even forge a cheque, he allowed the officers to calmly arrest him for something he didn't do. he co-operated with them and didn't resist arrest, not even once. but derik chauvin a white minneopolis cop still took his life away. he kneeled on his neck and stayed on his neck. george was saying " i cant breathe " multiple times but derik ignored it. he ignored it and now george floyd is gone. he passed away for no reason. he passed away because of a racist human being. he passed away for a crime he didn't commit. he passed away for co-operating. he passed away because he was a black man. this officer got fired but didn't get charged with murder which is what should've happened. instead he is sitting at home with police officers guarding him. when in reality he should get what he deserves. he should suffer and receive worse pain than he gave to someone. a family is mourning but he's being let off? mohamed noor was a somalian cop. he accidentally shot a women and got sentenced with 12 years in prison. but a white officer who killed a man just got fired. even though he had 11 chances to change. he didn't get charged with anything. it's horrible. a white man called dylan roof attacked a black church and took away 9 lives and was calmly arrested. he asked for food and the officers took him to Burger King. but if a black man who did nothing says he has a family to feed and care for back home it's him being a threat , right? it's him " resisting " arrest right? they get shot dead right in the streets just for informing the officer that they have loved ones waiting at home. why is it that white people don't get murdered when they resist arrest. why don't they get murdered when they have a deadly weapon on them. oh yes, it's because of white privilege. the poison of today's society. being white is a shield. when your white you won't get stopped and searched. but if your black and asian, you must definitely have something on you. a weapon or drugs maybe? why can't black people walk out in peace. why can't police officers just for once realise every black man they see isn't guilty of a crime. anytime a white person commits a terrorist attack or a racially profiled attack it's fine they have a "MeNTaL iLnESs". no they don't have a mental illness, they are TERRORISTS. they can't be excused just because they are white. they done a disgusting thing. if a black man done that he's a terrorist right. but that means the white person is also a terrorist. mental illness isn't the excuse. you let them get off too easily. why is it that black people get longer sentences? so many unanswered questions that need to be answered soon. the colour of your skin shouldn't define who you are as a person. it shouldn't be the reason your shot dead on the streets. black people should be able to live in peace, not fear.

Authors notes:
you don't need to be black to spread the word. you don't need to be black to protest. you just need to be a human being who cares. stop racism. don't support it.
Leave a comment on how you feel ab my rant/speach whatever you'd like to call it tbh
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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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