Volume 1 Ray's trailer

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"Ow not so hard ray," Vergo said with a smirk on her face. "Well if you stop squirming I can do my job," Ray said whipping the sweat from his forehead. "Ok but warn me before you-" Vergo was cut off by Coal yelling from the couch. "He's sewing up your wound stop making it sound like you two are boning!"

Ray and Vergo were in the kitchen that connected to the living room. Vergo was sitting on the countertop with ray sewing a cut on her arm that she got from yesterday's fight. After a few moments passed ray was done vergo hopped off the counter and went to the living room.

Ray has black hair with a white streak in the middle of it. His eyes are black and he wears a white t-shirt with the words 'Game all day every day' and some blue jeans. Even if he isn't in combat he still has his combat harness that carries his ninja stars. His ninja stars carry all different types of dust that he uses in battle he also has a normal scythe he says it was his grandfathers and adding anything to it would piss his grandfather off. Weird coming from the guy who makes amazing and at the same time crazy weapons. He has a fox tail it's orange with the tip being white.

In the living room coal, Leo, and blake sat on the couch while vergo leaned against the wall they'll be watching tv. Ray was looking in refrigerator his tail swinging left and right when he saw the last slice of cake grabbing it and heading to the living room. "This cake isn't a lie," Ray said while grabbing a fork.

Leo walked down the stairs and gave vergo some pain meds. "You should be more careful this could have been worse." He gestures to the cut on her jaw that is about healed. Vergo crosses her arms over her chest "It was five on one and I still won so I think I deserve some praises." Leo smirked and said, "You sound like one of those girls in anime that say notice me sempai." Vergo just smiled knowing this was all just Leo being worried about her. 'He's so sweet' Vergo leaned forward and planted a kiss on his cheek then said. "Thanks for being so concerned about me." Leo just stood there his face bright red that put a bigger smile on vergo's face.

She left to go to her room and Leo told the others he was heading to the bar. Ray finished his cake then walked into the living room and asked. "Ok now that it's only us three what is she doing here?" Ray pointed at blake she gave him a cold stare and said. "I'm out of the white fang so no need to be an asshole."

"We can't be 100% sure you're not lying to us, besides last time we saw you, you were adam's girlfriend." Unlike coal, ray didn't trust blake mostly because of her relationship with adam and the fact he and coal are still on the white fang hit list. Coal put his hand on blake's shoulder and said. "I believe her ray." Ray knowing coal was a good judge of character he rubbed the back of his neck and said. "Ok if he says your cool then I guess you are cool, so do you have any idea what you going to do."

Coal was the one to answer "We're going to ask Ozpin if he can let blake enter the school." Blake added her own statement "I want to make up for what I did and I think this is the best way." Ray gave her a nod and said "That's kinda what I'm trying to do too, I mean I'm the one that sold the weapons to the white fang, so I'm not innocents ether." After that ray and blake, both looked down realizing how much destruction they have done.

Coal clapped his hands together and said. "Ok let's change the subject because this is getting depressing." "Ok, blake how good are you with your weapon?" Ray said while heading to the weapon rack that was next to the tv and grabbed his scythe and blake's sword. "Pretty good why" Ray smiled and tossed her sword to her. "Because I want to see if the 'shadow cat' is as good as coal says you are." Blake smiled at the nickname coal gave her years ago and accepted the challenge.

They went to the docks so if thangs got chaotic there is a lower chance of someone getting hurt blake and ray stood about five feet away coal was on the sidelines and yelled. "Kick his ass blake!" Ray looked at his friend and said "What the hell I thought we were friends?" Coal shrugs and answers "I know her before you sorry." Ray flips off coal and coal yells "No thank you" Ray grins and yells back "That's what all the girls tell you." Coal rolled his eyes at the bad joke.

After that, the fight begins blake running straight for him ray activates his semblance. A black glyph apparently right in front of him stopping blake when she saw a black figure wearing bone armor that resembled a knight. A second one opened and a bone sword appeared the knight grabbed it and readied himself. Blake switched her sword to its pistol mode and fired two shots that bounced off his armor. Then he ran and swung his sword it connected but it was a shadow clone made out of ice. The knight tried to remove his sword from the ice but then blake appeared behind him attempting to cut his head off, but before she could do anything ray throw two fire stars. The first one hit blake and knocked her to the side the second hit the ice clone and freed his knight's sword.

The knight attacked him and blake continued to attack and bloke for a while before ray come up with a plan his knight tossed his weapon to the side and with his bare hands grabbed the blake's sword by the blade as ray grabbed him scythe and swung at blake. She let go of her weapon and grabbed her sheath and used it to block and counter ray's attack. Kicking him in the stomach then slashing the knight's head off all in a matter of seconds. Ray raised his left hand up and asked. "Wait you can use your sheath as a weapon to, that's badass mind if I add that feature to some of the weapons I sell?" Blake just smiled and shuck her head. "You really like making weapons, I mean we are in the middle of a battle and you're just thinking about making your weapons cooler." Ray shrugs and says "That's why I wanted to fight you, you can learn a lot about someone by the way they fight."

"So what have you learned about me?" Blake asks while she sheaths her sword and walks over to ray. "Well, your smart you used you clone to trap my friend then went for the kill, if I didn't get involved you would have won. But the most important thing is you are on our side I would hate to face you in a real battle for your sake." Blake rolled her eyes "I would've won if we continued." Ray and blake smiled at each other and shook hands. Coal still sitting on the sidelines yelled. "Hay, Leo called dinner is almost ready let's head home." "Food!" Ray yelled as he ran ahead of his friends. Blake and coal walked beside each other blake was laughing at how childish ray was. "He's a good guy just give him a chance." Coal said while looking at the big smile she had on her face. "I think I see why you said he was like a little brother to you." "To be fair your all younger than me so you are all like my little siblings." Coal said while ruffling up her hair. 'And I'll always be here for you'

AN: Hello all the people that read fanfic first time writing one but I don't think I did a bad job so please leave a comment and tell your friends

So Blake's volume 5 trailer is out and it's amazing and just want to give special thanks to kyrogue23 for always leaving a comment you're a cool guy

So let's break this down the opening was fun to write because I got to see my friend read it. Ray wasn't buying that blake left adam because unlike coal who has to know blake for most of his life ray has only seen blake a handful of times. Team CLVR is very protective of each other because besides adam none of them have any biological family. I hope that explains why ray is kind of interrogating her.

Ray has a secret I want to see if anyone can figure it out

Just so there is no confusion

Adam, Leo, Ray, and Vergo are 17 years old

Coal is 18 years old this is one of the reasons he is kinda like a big brother to Leo and blake

I think in canon Adem is older than 17 but for this story I wanted coal to be the older brother.

Team CLVR fact: if you want a description of Ray to check paragraph 3 I rushed this chapter a little I just want to get to the story really bad.

Ray's semblance is that he can create a Grimm knight and can also create different weapons for his knight.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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