My Novella

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My name is Robby Shapiro and I can solve the Rubik's cube in just 15 seconds. From the moment I started to solve Rubik's cubes, I instantly fell in love with the hobby. I don't know if the speed that I can solve a Rubik's cube has anything to do with my autism, but over time it has become a big part of my life. Solving Rubik's cubes helps me feel safer when I come across significant challenges, and unfortunately, there are many of them.

This morning, my mom made sure to dress me in a collared shirt, a tie, and a pair of leather shoes. However, the clothes were really uncomfortable and I demanded to wear a T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. When my mother rebuked and said,

"Absolutely not!"

I didn't back down and immediately threw a full out meltdown. As my mom dragged me to the car, I continued to shout and scream hysterically. She tries to tell me to relax but nothing works on me. Then, mom hands me a Rubik's cube, and before I know it, I am twisting and turning the pieces in a trance-like state, forgetting completely about my meltdown.

At last, we arrived at the school and mom had calmed me down almost completely. We step out of the car and that is where I am right now, in front of a massive building, with a flood of students rushing in and out. The first thing I notice about the massive school is the huge crest sitting right at the top of the entrance. The crest consists of a shark-like mascot in the middle, and waves crashing beside it. Immediately I love the logo as it reminds me of my pet piranha. Holding my mother's hand and shuffling my way to the entrance, I take in all kinds of information about the students and start feeling anxious. It is a great deal quieter when we get into the main office in the school where the principal's office is. A kind receptionist greets us at the entrance by saying,

"Hi, how may I help you?"

Mom replies "Hi, we are here to visit Principal Rupert."

"Very well, right this way please."

Mom discreetly whispers to me, "Honey, please be respectful to the principal here."

I think back about a time in my old school when one morning I told the principal that he looked tired, because he had bags under her eyes and his hair was a mess. I regret blurting it out, since it got me in trouble, but I couldn't keep myself from telling the truth.

At last, the receptionist brings us to a room. She knocks and then opens the door.

The principal looks a lot different from what I had first anticipated. For starters, she is actually a woman, and has grey hair. The principal at my last school was a man, so I expected this principal to be too. The principal is wearing a spectacle and she looks stern, yet compassionate at the same time. She first greets us by saying

"Oh, how wonderful, you must be Robby, a pleasure to meet you."

I reply with a short and concise "Hi."

I walk into the room and the principal sticks her hand out to me. I gulp and try to shake her hand, but I can't bring myself to do it. She assures me by saying,

"You don't have to be shy, I'm just here to have a chat with you and your mom."

Right after saying that, she walks over to mom and shakes her hand too.

"Robby, why don't you tell Principal Rupert about yourself? Maybe about your hobbies or your interests." Mom says.

"Um, okay." I jump up and plop down onto a couch.

"I to...uh...solve...uh...Rubik's cubes."I say while avoiding making eye contact with her.

"Oh, that's very interesting, can you tell me a little bit more about that?"

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