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On Christine's birthday, Michael took her to the same pizza place they'd went on their road trip. Michael put 18 candles on her pizza and lit them with the ciggarette lighter he kept in his pockets. He didn't ask what her wish was after she blew out the candles, he just admired the way her eyes fluttered shut as she did so. Christine was so grateful for what Michael did to make her birthday so special. Her wish was simple enough to keep to herself. After they ate the whole pizza and drank almost four cups of soda, Michael took Christine to the school. She was confused, there was no school that day and Michael hated school. Why would he want to be there? "I come here to draw and stuff, you know, like graffiti?," Michael knew what she was thinking, but also knew she wouldn't ask so he answered for her as he motioned to the large wall behind the bleachers. Christine's breath was taken away. The "graffiti" was more like art. Beautiful art. "You can get in a lot of trouble for doing this, you dolt," Christine had warned Michael, but she really wanted to see more of what he could do. "But thanks for taking me out for my birthday." Christine was more than thankful for Michael and his fascinating ideas.

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