•3| You think im going to hurt you?

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Lana's P.O.V
We walked slowly and silently to Calum's place. I didn't know the way so I was just following him really.

"What exactly am I helping you with?"

He breaths deeply before he answers, as if I'm bothering him...I was only trying to fill the silence.

"Speaking...I need help with my speaking"

I nod and decide that although I'm helping him, I'm also annoying him.

I never really have proper conversations with anyone, but I've never felt this unwanted for a long time, I don't know what to do with myself, I feel like crying but Calum hasn't directly done anything to make me cry.

I hate this so much. I hate him so much.
Calum's P.O.V
I kinda feel awful. I feel awful because I know I should feel more awful about the fact that I'm being a fucking dick towards Lana, but I don't.

I've been so numb to other people's feelings for such a long time now, it's not an act, it's my personality.

I feel like crying. I shout at myself in my mind to stop the tears. I get so mad at myself I begin to clench my fists and she notices.

I think he wants to break the silence, she asks me What she's going to be helping me with.

Fuck. If I talk I'll either break down or get angry, I try to calm myself and take a deep breath.

That worsened the situation, now Lana looks sad.

This is my problem. Even when I try to detach myself from other people's feelings I still upset them. What the fuck is wrong with me.
Lana's P.O.V
We arrive at Calum,s house.

"Mum's out at the minute"

I just nod, again not wanting to annoy him. He tells me to follow him to his room.

His room is painted black, with light wood flooring and a huge double bed.

He sits on the bed and gestures for me to do so too.

He gets out his French work.

"Where do we start?"

"Um just read the entire piece to me and I'll correct you after"

He begins to read. At first I listen, but then I get caught up in watching his eyes read from the page, they were beautiful.

I always say I never get distracted. I don't. But oh my god his eyes were distracting me. I was trying to pull myself out of the trance they'd put me in but I couldn't.

Eventually something pulls me out. I wasn't sure what it was, a loud noise I think. Calum pricks his head up.

"Sorry there's someone at the door, two seconds"

He leaves and goes to answer it.

The voice I hear sounds familiar.


It's Luke. what the fuck is he doing here? Is he even friends with Calum?

Luke enters the room before Calum and just stares at me, his eyes piercing my skull. I just stare back, confused.

As Calum enters Luke fakes a smile and says "Hi Lana, I hope you don't mind me being here, my mum is out tonight and she called Cal's mum to ask if I could have dinner hear and she insisted I stay the night, sorry" he grins cheekily and winks at me.

"It's fine"

Calum restarts his piece and I listen this time, picking up on pretty much every word he pronounced as they were all wrong.

Although I am listening, Luke is sat next to Calum, slightly behind him 'doing his homework'.

He's just staring at me...angrily.

I pretend I don't see and just focus on Calum's shitty French.
After about 1 hour of French, Calum suggests we have dinner now, he invited me to stay and eat with them. At first I say no but he insists.

"Um I have frozen pizza, we could have that?"

Me and Luke nod. Calum leaves the room and shuts the door.

Why would he fucking shut the door?

I swallow hard and just ignore his presence. I just push myself back on the bed and go on my phone. I'm scrolling through my twitter feed when I feel Luke's presence beside me. I flinch as his movements are sudden. He laughs at me.

"You think I'm going to hurt you?"

I don't even look at him, I just continue to scroll through my feed.

He pries the phone out of my hand, locks it and shoves it in his pocket. He then grabs my face with his right hand, his other gripping my upper thigh.

"It's rude to ignore people Lana, I thought you'd know that, god knows you fucking bothered me about it for 6 months before you ruined our friendship. You're so fucking selfish"

I begin to cry again, the memories start flooding back, everything I'd done came back in one huge wave and it was to much.

All I could say was "you said you wouldn't hurt me. this hurts"

He tightens his grip
On both my face and thigh before releasing me. "sorry sweetie" he scoffs.

"Why do you always cry when this happens, I'm the one you hurt, why do you get upset about what you did?"

Oh my fucking god I was going to loose my shit with him.

I stood up and started shouting. I was sick of being his silent victim.

"Yes I may have brought this on myself, but it upsets me that I did it. I know I shouldn't have but I was 12 and in my defence you'd been awful to me and I felt as though it was the only way you'd notice me. You were my only friend and I couldn't reach you. I miss you...I mean I missed you at the time. that's why I did it. I've said once, I've said it 1000 fucking times, I'm sorry!"

I begin to cry harder and storm out of Calum's room, into the bathroom and lock the door.

I want to just fucking disappear.
Luke's P.O.V
I'm lucky Sarah knows Cal's mum, if she didn't there'd be no way I could stop Lana from having a friend. She was going over to his place, I didn't know why, but I was going to stop it. If I'm not allowed friends, neither was she.

I begged Sarah to make up some bullshit story for Calum's mum, me and Cal were friends before Lana fucked up. I think Calum's mum missed him being friends with me, we were inseparable.
She's shouting at me, trying to put the blame on me, she's so fucking selfish I hate her. Every fibre of my being is telling me to hit her, but I need to fool Calum, and hitting his French tutor isn't the way forward.

I just watch her cry. Like I have for the past four years.

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