Chapter 3

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"No reason. Actually, I pierce two holes both on my ears."

Jisu is surprised with the new information. Even so, why does she feel nervous all of a sudden? The most possible reason perhaps she is in a state of vigilance, wary of what the woman next to her could do in this quiet place. But why does she feel relief that the rain conceals the raising beat of her heart?

So many things yet confusing.

The rain seems not going to stop soon. They are stuck with each other. They are together exchanging body heat as warm arms pressed close. No more conversation is said aloud. Pitter-patter is the only witness of two souls in their own train of thoughts, wondering about life but enjoy the moment of silence of not being alone. Solace without the need to please.

The stockings Jisu is wearing fail to cover up her legs from coldness. Although she tries covering it with her coat she starts shivering. Well, their clothes and hair are slightly drenched due to Yeji's abrupt need to snap her picture under the rain. Jisu folds her arms. She is quite unpleased with the flashback of the event.

Yeji takes notice of it. She takes out her phone to look at the time and the temperature. It's quarter past ten now. The temperature drops as well. She turns to Jisu, wanting to ask, can't help their faces become adjacent. The latter felt hot creeps up from her neck to her ears and cheeks out of sudden.

"Do you want to wait? Or we can do some adrenalines, if you're up to it."

The more words Yeji speaks, the more Jisu can smell her tabacco-scented breath. But this time she isn't annoyed.

She feels as if she is caught doing something, and the hotness spreading around her face doesn't help. She averts her eyes in reflect.

"Well..." she thanks the God in her mind to not make her stutter. Self-control in check. "What do you mean adrenaline?"

"We can go pass through the rain to my place since it's closer. You can stay the night at Chaeryeong's."

"Let's wait a little bit? Chaeryeong won't be pleased if she finds out I ruin her perfectly clean and neat room after her tiring shift." Jisu slightly chuckles.

They wait till the sky is satisfied enough to let it all out. Yeji kills the time by smoking another stick, but exhaling to opposite direction of Jisu's after the revelation about her being an organ donor. Jisu scoffs, her head turns sideways as far away as possible from the smoke, is seemingly bothered by it and all its poisonous existence.

"Say, if you have a boyfriend you want him to stay clean, no? No smoking et cetera?"

The tone is mockery. Jisu nods calmly.

It isn't raining hard anymore, just tiny drizzles accompanied by the cold passing wind. Jisu shivers even more. Yeji clicks her tongue. Is she annoyed? She had no idea. She takes off her bomber jacket and places it on her arm first. The cigarette is held between her teeth. Her body gets closer to Jisu, her hands unfold Jisu's arms then she unbuttons Jisu's trench coat.

Jisu is alarmed. "What are you doing?!" She pushes her away, putting her arms around her chest in protection and keeping a distance. The cigarette stick is placed to in-between fingers again.

"Hey chill okay? Put your coat around your legs."

Jisu stands still in her position. Yeji moves her fingers through her hair in frustration. "Just do it."

A few seconds away after their staring battle and drizzles as their only audience finally Jisu does as what she was told. Yeji sighs before walking closer. She puts her bomber jacket around her shoulder.

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