Chapter Seven

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Eva had had a fitful night of sleep, but that morning she awoke to a beautiful sight. Starlies were fluttering about the lush trees that surrounded the perfect little hollow she had slept in, where flowers bloomed just about everywhere, butterfrees and beautiflies rested on sunflowers, and all kinds of berries sprouted from the most unexpected places! Eva was sure today was going to be wonderful! But then she noticed a patch of black on her tail and remembered the scorching it had received. Eva grimaced and shut her eyes, taking deep breaths to calm herself. She reopened her eyes and sighed. Then she perked up as, in the corner of her eye, she noticed a patch of oran berries! She bounded over to them and picked a few, then she ate one and applied the other two to the tip of her tail. Already the patch of cream had returned, and she felt much better!

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