𝔞𝔰𝔠𝔢𝔯𝔱𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔪𝔢𝔫𝔱 ; 𝔣 𝔬 𝔲 𝔯

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A knock sounded throughout the house, which confused it's inhabitors. Aika asked them, "Are we expecting any visitors?"

"No." Erza said requipping a sword. She neared the door, and opened it, pointing the tip of the sword's blade to whoever was knocking. A black haired man was there, looking quite sleep-deprived and having a white thin . . . scarf? . . . around his neck. "State your name and business."

Natsu had a flaming fist ready to go, and Gray already had an ice sword. Lucy kept her hand on her spirit pouch, Wendy had slipped into her battle stance, and Aika was holding up a fist with the four elements coated in it. Shota Aizawa's eyes widened as he raised his hands. "I'm not here to harm you. My name is Shota Aizawa, better known through the name Eraserhead. I'm the one who found you guys passed out on the street."

Erza and Aika glanced at each other, and lowered their defenses. Seeing them doing so, the other four followed suit. Aika walked towards the man and bowed. "On behalf of all of us, we thank you greatly."

Aizawa nodded his head. He cleared his throat. "I'm here on strict business. U.A. High School wishes to have you in its student body. Principal Nezu himself recommended you to join in. It would be a waste if you don't accept the recommendation."

"U.A.?" Lucy asked, confused. "What's that?"

"It's a high school for heroes." It wasn't Aizawa who answered but Aika. "In this world, we just don't get to use our . . . quirks."

She sent a pointed glance towards all of them. Aika had already explained the basic rules in this world, and Natsu complained that it was too strict. Aika continued. "For us to be able to use them in public, we have to go through a Provincial Licensure Examination, then we become heroes."

"Oh." Natsu and Gray said together, then glaring at each other afterward.

"But . . . Erza is too old for high school." Wendy pointed out. A metaphorical arrow stabbed Erza.

"Th-That's alright. I can stay here." Erza said. "You five go to school, that way you have something to do. Just don't cause any trouble."

"Will we have to pass through an entrance examination?" Aika asked curiously.

"You can, if you want." Aizawa shrugged, looking like he would want to be anywhere but here.

Aika glanced at Wendy, who shook her head, along with Natsu and Gray. "I'll be taking the entrance exam. Thank you very much, Mr. Aizawa, I'm sure you have plenty of other things to do. When is the examinations?"

"Within two months." Aizawa said. "I'm sure you can make your way towards U.A. without any trouble. I'll be leaving now."

Aika nodded her head, and just as quick as he appeared, Aizawa left. With furrowed eyebrows, Aika turned to her family. "Ne, since we're stuck in this world . . . don't you think it'll be better if some of us take the same last name? Like me and Natsu, since we're siblings. And maybe Wendy could be a Dragneel also, since we're all technically family . . ."

"What do you think, Erza?" Lucy turned to Erza.

"I suppose it'll be good, so that we can fit in easier in this world." Erza nodded her head. Aika smiled.

"Hear that, Wendy? You're a Dragneel now!" Aika hugged the blue haired girl. "We're sisters now!"

Gray smiled at the interaction between the two. "Looks like you have another sister to take care of, Flame-Brain."

"What did you call me, Ice Princess?!" Natsu bumped his forehead with Gray's angrily.

"I called you flame-brain, deaf ass!" Gray responded, pushing his forehead against Natsu angrily as well.

"Ne, from what I read in the books, U.A. is a very prestigious school. They only take the best of the best. Why don't we go to the beach and train?" Lucy suggested. "Maybe we can see Izuku-kun there!"

"That's a great idea, Lucy-nee!" Aika smiled. Wendy nodded her head in agreement.

"Hah?! Why would you want to see that broccoli-head again?!" Natsu clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. "You have a crush on him or something?!"

Aika turned bright red and punched Natsu. "Shut up, nii. You're just jealous because L –"

Natsu quickly pushed his hand against her mouth to muffle the rest of her words. Lucy sweat dropped at their actions. Aika pushed away the hand. Wendy asked, "When are we going to train?"

"How about tomorrow?" Erza suggested. "I think we should all train, just so we can get used to the ethernano in the air."

"You noticed that it was slightly different, huh?" Aika asked.

"Hm." Erza nodded her head. "It's almost as if it's stronger than the one we have on Earthland. Like we're the only mages in the world."

"Seeing as they weren't quite used to hearing the word magic, I'm sure that's the case." Aika responded.

"Anyway, what were you saying about quirks, Aika?" Natsu asked.

"They don't have magic here, they have something that's like quirks. Speaking of, we still need to name them. Uh, Erza, I'm pretty much sure we can keep The Knight as your quirk name." Aika said.

"I think I can just call mine 'Summon'." Lucy said, keeping a hand on her key pouch. Aika nodded her head as Lucy continued. "Natsu's can just be Fire, and Gray's could be Ice."

"Uhm, mine can be Aera." Wendy said. "In Eathland, that's the magic of the exceeds, but the people of this world doesn't know that."

"That's really creative, Wendy!" Aika smiled brightly. "Mine can be called Universe. Because . . . well . . . I'm an omnipotent, and I can learn plenty quickly, and I already learned a lot from our family back in Earthland."

Erza smiled at the girl. "That's nice, Aika. Lucy, did you do grocery shopping already?"

"Yeah, earlier. Shortly after Aika left. The fridge is mainly full." Lucy nodded her head. "I also bought plenty of clothes for all of us while Aika was buying her own. I placed the bags in the rooms."

"Thanks, Luce." Natsu swung an arm over Lucy's shoulders, making the blonde celestial spirit mage blush pink. Aika smirked at the interaction. Gray and Aika shared a discreet high five behind their backs.

"Gray, clothes." Erza said. Gray looked down and saw that he was only is his boxers.

"What the hell?!" Gray yelled as he stumbled around, looking for the clothes he had discarded.

"You need to work on that stripping habit, Gray-nii. When in a high school full of hormonal teenagers, you don't exactly want to run around half-naked, or worse, just naked." Aika shook her head in amusement. "Anyway, I go to go and unload all of the stuff I bought. Bye, I'll probably sleep when I'm through."

"Good night, Aika!"

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